

Remote Scan for Cloud
Remote Scan is a utility used to scan directly into OP. While it is not the only method used for scanning into the Cloud, it is the utility most recommended to handle the scanning of small registration documents (such as single-page documents, insur...
Preparing to Install or Transfer an Existing License
Overview When you replace or upgrade workstations you will need to transfer the license from the old workstation to the new workstation. You may also need to transfer a license if you want to use a scanner on a different workstation and do not want...
Install the RemoteScan Software
This article explains how to install the RemoteScan software.
Install the RemoteScan License
Overview The steps to install the license are the same whether you are generating a new license or transferring an existing license. Contact OP if you do not have a license. Contact OP Support with the MAC address and the cloud account number by em...
Show all NICs when installing RemoteScan
When installing RemoteScan, sometimes the NIC drop-down menu box does not show all NICs available on the computer. To register the license using the MAC address of a NIC that is not visible: Navigate to C:\ProgramData\RemoteScan (This folder is...