SQL: Nexplanon Removal/Replace


This SQL is used to inform you of the date you entered it in their chart for active patients who have Nexplanon listed as an ongoing/chronic med.

A sample image of this SQL report run in the Database Viewer is shown below:


Depending on how you document Nexplanon:

  • The date may be the date when the patient informed about it
  • The date may be the date when you ordered it from the pharmacy
  • The date may be the date when you placed it 

So, your resulting workflow is going to differ.


To highlight and copy the code below to your clipboard, simply click the Copy button.

select patno, date1, prescrib, purpose from medications
inner join register on register.patno = medications.patno
where prescrib like '%Nexp%' and ongoingmed = 'Y' and status_pat = 'ACTIVE'
order by date1