Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis (Practice Analytics)


A/R Aging Analysis (New): Insurance Payer - Insurance A/R
Use this report to displays all outstanding insurance balances due from the payer.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Insurance Payer- Patient A/R
Use this report to display the practice's Patient Accounts Receivable by Insurance Payer.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Insurance Payer- Secondary Responsibility Date A/R
Use this report to displays all outstanding A/R is for when the Secondary Insurance Payer became responsible for a balance due.
A/R Aging Analysis (New): Insurance Payer - Total A/R
Use this report to displays all outstanding Accounts Receivable by aging bucket and by Insurance and Patient Totals/Insurance Balances.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Insurance Payer- Patient Responsibility Date A/R
Use this report to displays Accounts Receivable for dates when a patient became responsible for a balance.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Location - Patient A/R
Use this report to displays all outstanding balances due from the patient, by Location.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Location- Insurance A/R
Use this report to displays all outstanding Insurance Accounts Receivable by Location.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Location- Total A/R
Use this report to displays all outstanding Accounts Receivable (Insurance and Patient) by Location and breaks the balances up by different aging buckets.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Rendering Provider- Insurance A/R
Use this report to display Insurance Accounts Receivable by Rendering Provider.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Rendering Provider - Patient A/R
Use this report to display Patient Accounts Receivable by Rendering Provider.
A/R Aging Analysis (New) - Rendering Provider - Total A/R
Use this report to display all outstanding Accounts Receivable (Insurance and Patient) by Rendering Provider.