Add an Address Book Specialty

Version 14.19
Path: Practice Management tab > More button (Customize group) > Address Book Specialties

To add a new specialty or category to the Descriptor drop-down menu in the Address Book, follow these instructions. 

  1. Navigate to the Address Book Specialty Descriptors window by following the path above.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Enter in the Specialty Name, Taxonomy (if applicable), and Sort #.
  4. Click the Save button .
Version 14.10

To add a new specialty or category to the Descriptor dropdown in the Address Book, follow these instructions. 

  1. Click Utilities > Manage Codes > Address Book Specialties.
  2. At the top where it says "Click here to add a new specialty" type in a new descriptor and Sort number.
  3. Click the Post Edit button  to save.
Note: To sort by Specialty name or Sort number click on the column.