Billing Setup


Choosing a Clearinghouse
In order to use Full HIPAA transactions with Office Practicum, you must be enrolled with one of the following integrated clearinghouses.
Customizing the OP Superbill
The following is an example of how to customize the OP Superbill to include the fields required by your practice.
The $ED Record Updated
The $ED Record is a necessary component in e-billing. The $ED record is required for electronic 837 claims files to successfully pass to your clearinghouse.
Tax ID Setup
Version 14.19 About As business structures, credentialing processes, and payer mixes vary among pediatric offices, so do needs for which Tax ID number should be sent on claims. The following article outlines set-up steps to ensure that each clai...
Group NPI Setup
Version 14.19 Group NPI Setup OP handles Practice (or Corporate or Group) NPI logic in a similar way to Tax ID. The software looks to multiple fields to get the information needed on claims. These situations only occur when the Insurance Payer&#...
Set Superbill Stage Defaults
Version 20.0 Path: Admin tab > Global Preferences > Billing tab > Superbill tab Overview In an effort to streamline the progression of superbills through Superbill Stages, a practice may choose to set a global-level System Pref...
Superbill Created By Column Crosswalk
The Created by column in the Patient Superbills displays the user who created the associated items. See the table in this article for a detailed crosswalk.
Statement Preferences Checklist
Many of the Statement Preferences that users were accustomed to selecting during Batch Billing Statement generation (pictured below) have been relocated to Global/System Preferences.
Billing Preferences Crosswalk
The sections below contain the location of several of these preferences before and after the release of OP version 20.3.0
20.3.0 Billing Preference Highlights and Action Items
Version 20.3 The following outlines new and relocated Billing Preferences. Statement Preferences: ACTION NEEDED Many of the relocated preferences are related to the batching of patient statements. This relocation streamlines the proc...