Claims Processing


Delete Claims from the Transmittal Queue
Claims that will not be sent to the clearinghouse can be deleted prior to transmission.
Edit Claims in the Transmittal Queue
Overview During review of the Transmittal Queue, and prior to creating claim files for submission to the clearinghouse, users may find it necessary to edit a claim. Rather than navigate to the patient chart, claims requiring edits can be managed di...
Create and Send Electronic Claim Files
When creating and sending electronic claim files, all queued claims assigned to insurance payers setup for electronic claim submission will be sent to your clearinghouse.
Automated Billing Task for Credit Card Payment Error
Version 20.14 Note :  This content only applies to Practices that are contracted for Instamed payments. It does not apply to Practice contracted with other clearinghouses or an Instamed instance without the payments module are no...
How Claim Status Categories are Defined
If your office is contracted for Full HIPAA Services and your office contracted with a supported clearinghouse, you will have the ability to view claim status within OP.