Clinical Reports


OP Database Viewer Basics
The OP Database Viewer allows you to run, save, and export data within the database viewer to quickly provide all the OP 23 data necessary based on a query.
Medical Record Reports
Print various medical record reports, including Register, Immunization, and School/Camp forms, using Office Practicum's Patient Medical Reports Manager.
Grid Analysis of Immunization Records
The Grid Analysis of Immunization Records will show you a list of patients that have been given a particular vaccine.
Scheduling Database Viewer Reports to Run Automatically (Local)
This article instructs how to automatically run your reports at the times you want without needing to worry about if they are completed.
Event Chronology: Overview Report Criteria
Report Criteria in Medical Records is used to produce reports using information within a patient chart or across the entire practice. This article provides an overview of report criteria.
Event Chronology: Add or Edit a Report
Learn how to add or edit a report.