Color Coding for Review of Systems

Version 20.7


The Review of Systems (ROS) questions color indicators OP uses is to draw attention to abnormal information which may require attention. OP uses red to indicate an abnormal finding while green is used to indicate the normal finding. In OP, well visit notes and encounter notes are separate and distinct entities and stored differently in the database. As you look closely at the ROS section of an encounter vs. a well visit the normal state is reversed. 

Encounter Note ROS

For an encounter visit, when a symptom or question is affirmed, this establishes the abnormal state so the symptom or question is reported as red. When a symptom or question is denied, this establishes the normal state so the symptom or question is reported as green.

When a note is displayed as a report summary, the abnormal state becomes underlined to draw the reader's attention.

Well Visit Note ROS

For a well visit, the normal state is "affirming wellness". When confirming the symptom or question, this establishes the normal state so the symptom or question is reported in green. When a symptom or question is denied this establishes the abnormal state so the symptom or question is reported as red.

When a note is displayed as a report summary, the abnormal state becomes underlined to draw the reader's attention.