Commonly Used Patient Recall SQLs


Patient Recall reports are typically run using the Demographic Analysis/Recall Reports, which identify groups of patients for recall purposes. However, Practices may also choose to run SQLs in Database Viewer to gather this data. Below is a list of commonly used SQL for recall purposes, along side how to gather the same information using the Demographic Analysis/Recall reports. To visit the entire list of SQLs, visit the Clip-and-Save SQL Library.

Common Recall SQLs

Patients who...Via SQL ReportVia Demographic Analysis/Recall Report
are overdue for a Well VisitSQL: Bright Futures Past Due RecallAfter creating a Patient Demographics List, run a Care Plan Recall and select Recall Plan: Bright Futures Preventive and Recall Item: Preventive Encounter to get your list of patients overdue for a Well Visit. Care Plan Recalls can also be used to recall patients who are enrolled in other practice Care Plans.
receive care for AsthmaSQL: Asthma Recall: This SQL lists all patients who have been prescribed Albuterol in the past year.After creating a Patient Demographics List, run a Clinical Recall and use the Problem drop-down to select the appropriate problems to include in the report. If the recall should also include patients who were prescribed specific medications, select them using the Medication drop-down.
receive care for ADHDSQL: ADHD Recall: This SQL lists all patients who have been prescribed an ADHD medication in the past year.
receive care for DepressionSQL: Depression RecallThis SQL lists all patients who have been prescribed a Depression medication in the past year.
receive care for AnxietySQL: Anxiety RecallThis SQL lists all patients who have been prescribed an anxiety medication in the past year.
had a last previously documented BMI ≥ 95% SQL: BMI Recall
After creating a Patient Demographics List, run a Clinical Recall and use the Problem drop-down to select the appropriate BMI measurement to include in the report.

After running your recalls, you'll want to reach out to the patients to get them scheduled for visits: