Configure Delivery Rules for Automated Messages

Path: Practice Management > Schedule > Tracking > Automated Message button


Once you have established your Global Settings for Automated Messages, you will be able to access Automated Messages to establish template delivery rules. Using our Standard Message Templates, configure the delivery rules around reoccurring messages that you only have to worry about setting up once. 

User Permission: All System Administrators will automatically be granted access to view, create, edit, delete, disable and enable Automated Messages. Users not in the System Admin user group will need to have the Messaging_View_Automated_Messages permission.

Note: Users must also have the PMX permissions. See the Configuring PMX article for more details.

Navigate the Automated Messages Tab

To view the Automated Messages tab:

  1. Navigate to Practice Management > Schedule > Tracking > Automated Message button. The Automated Message tab will open. 

Note: The Messages shown in the image above do not come setup in your Automated Messages. You will need to create new messages and configure the delivery rules. See the Create Automated Messages section below.

  1. By default, the Automated Messages tab view will show a list of currently configured message templates. The list will show:
    • Template: Message Template Name.
    • Modified By: User that last modified the Message.
    • Enabled: Enabled status (toggle Active/Inactive).
    • Edit button (checklist): Allows you to edit the selected message.
    • Delete button (Trash Can): Allows you to delete the selected message. 
  2. Search for Automated Messages using the Search bar at the top right.
  3. Filter and sort named columns by clicking the column header or the filter icon.

Configure Delivery Rules for Automated Messages

With Automated Messages, there is a one-time setup for each recurring message you want to send out. You are able to setup automated messages by configuring the delivery rules using the standard message templates, including specifying Appointment type(s), timeframes for delivery, and and Sender (Practice, Location, and/or Provider. 

  1. Navigate to the Automated Messages tab following the path above.
  2. Click the New Message button.
  3. Page 1 of the New Message screen opens. Complete the following fields:
    • Appointment Type (required): Select the checkbox next to one or more individual appointment types, or select the checkbox next to Appointment Type(s) to select all.
    • Message Template (required): Click the drop-down and select the desired message template from the list. The Message templates you can select are:
      • Appt Confirmation
      • Appt Confirmation w/ fee
      • Reminder
      • Reminder to Reschedule
    • Confirm/Review the Message Preview: This section will show you a preview of the message based on the template selected. 
      • You can click the SMS, Email, or Voice tabs to view the message template preview for each medium.
      • You can click the Want to see this message in a different language? drop-down to switch the preview language between English and Spanish.

Note: The language the message will be sent in is based on the recipient’s language preferences. Selecting from the drop-down here only shows a preview of the message in that language.

  1. Click the Next button.
  2. Page 2 of the New Message screen will open. Complete the following fields:
    • Practice(s) and/or Location(s) (required): Click the checkbox next to one or more practice(s) or location(s) the message should come from.
    • Providers: This field is optional. Click the checkbox next to one or more provider(s) the message should come from.
    • Message Duration: Enter the Start Date (required). The End Date is optional. If you do not enter an End Date, the message will continue indefinitely.

  1. Click the Save button.
  2. You will be taken back to the list of Automated Messages. The Automated Message you just created will be listed, and will be queued for delivery based on the criteria selected.

Edit the Delivery Rules for a Configured Automated Message

If you have configured the delivery rules for an Automated Message, you still have the ability to edit them. All existing Automated Messaging rules are displayed in the Automated Message tab in a list view. To edit a rule:

  1. Follow the path above. The Automated Message tab will open. 

Note: The Messages shown in the image above do not come setup in your Automated Messages. You will need to create new messages and configure the delivery rules. See the Create Automated Messages section below.

  1. Click the Edit icon (checklist) next to the desired Automated Message rule.
  2. Make the desired changes on Page 1.
  3. Click the Next button.
  4. Make the desired changes on Page 2.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. The updated message will appear in the list view.

Delete a Configured Automated Message

You have the ability to delete one or multiple configured Automated Messages that are displayed in the Automated Messages tab list. 

  1. Navigate to the Automated Messages tab following the path above.
  2. Delete one, or multiple:
    • To delete one: Click the Delete icon (trashcan) next to the desired Automated Message rule.
    • To delete multiple: Select the checkbox next to each desire message rule, click the Select All drop-down, then select Delete.
  3. The delete message rules will be removed from the list view.

Disable/Enable a Configured Automated Message

You have the ability to disable or enable the configured Automated Messages that are displayed in the Automated Messages tab list. 

  1. Navigate to the Automated Messages tab following the path above.
  2. To disable automated messaging rules (The Automated Message(s) associated to the Message Template will no longer be queued for delivery):
    • To disable one: If the toggle is blue (on) elect the Toggle icon next to the desired Automated Message rule to switch it off (grey).
    • To disable multiple: Select the checkbox next to each desire message rule, click the Select All drop-down, then select Disable.
  3. To enable automated messaging rules (The Automated Message(s) associated to the Message Template will now be queued for delivery):
    • To enable one: If the toggle is grey, select the Toggle icon next to the desired Automated Message rule to switch it back on (blue).
    • To enable multiple: Select the checkbox next to each desire message rule, click the Select All drop-down, then select Disable.