Confirm Provider Record in the Address Book

Version 14.19
Path: Practice Management tab > Staff/Providers


It is important to have the practice address and phone number added to each provider so that this information is included in the transmission of ePrescriptions sent to the Pharmacy. If edits are needed, click the Edit buttonand enter the information before saving the record.

  1. Navigate to the Staff Directory by following the path above.
  2. Select the provider by clicking their name in the Staff column.
  3. In the Basic Info tab, click the Address Book icon located next to the Colloquial Name field. The Edit Address window is displayed.
  4. In the Name/Phone tab, verify that the Work Phone and Fax fields contain the practice's information.
  5. In the Address tab, verify that the practice's address is entered.
  6. Make edits, as needed, and close the Edit Address window.
  7. Repeat the above steps for all providers in the practice.
Version 14.10

The following describes the procedure for verifying that the Provider for your Practice is setup in the Address Book. It is important to have the practice address and phone number added to each Provider so that this will transmit to the Pharmacy when they E-Prescribe.

  1. Access Utilities > Manage Practice > Staff/Provider Directory.
  2. Select a Provider.
  • Click on thebutton.
  • Verify that the Work Phone has the Practice Phone Number.
  • Verify that the Practice Address is entered.
  • Click on thebutton to save.
  1. Once you are done updating each Provider click on thebutton.