Daily Reports: Accounting Transfers

Version 21.3

When to Use this Report

Use this report to view credits debited from patient credit accounts for a specified period. For example, if you wish to look at all debited credits that were daysheeted in the system for a period of a week, select the date range (1) to be a one week period.

Note: A debited credit is taking an unallocated patient credit and applying that credit towards a transaction in OP, refunding that unallocated patient credit, or transferring the credit to another patient within the system.

This will show users all daysheeted (archived) debited credit transactions for the time period the user requested the system to recall.

About Daily Reports: Accounting Transfers

Path: Tools > Reporting > Daysheet Dependent > Accounting Transfers 

This report displays credits debited from patient credit accounts for a specified period. This report is dependent on Daysheeting.


This will pull daysheeted transactions that have a deposit method of PC (Patient/Payer Credit), AD (Adjustment), T (Transfer), R (Refund).

Daysheet Dependent: Accounting Transfers Map

Hover over each of the Summary Tiles, to see specific data. For instructions on how to drill down and expand that information from the Summary Tiles, please see the Drill Down section of the Data Element Tutorial.

Note: All columns in the Detailed Report section will show by default. To hide columns, see the Visualization section of the Maximized Elements article.

Filters and Summary Tiles


Section Description
Daysheet Date Select the effective daysheet date(s) for the displayed records date range. Reports that meet the criteria and fall within the selected date range will appear in the detailed reports grid. See the Dates section of the Filter Tutorial article for the different selections.
Daysheet ID Put in a range to display data based on the OP assigned Daysheet ID. Internal note: may be just a single ID, the range might be taken away.
Deposit Method Select one to filter the daysheeted transactions that have a deposit method of PC Patient Credit, AD Adjustment, T Transfer, or R Refund.
Total Patients This Summary tile shows a true patient count, not a line item count. Patients can show up multiple times in the grid below and only be counted once in the tile.
Total Amount Paid This Summary tile shows the total amount of credits (insurance paid + patient paid) debited from the patient accounts for the specified time period. This is the column total for Insurance Paid + Patient Paid.
Total Patient Paid This Summary tile shows the total amount of patient credits debited from the patient accounts for the specified time period. This is the column total for Patient Paid.
Total Insurance Paid This Summary tile shows the total amount of insurance credits debited from the patient accounts for the specified time period. This is the column total for Insurance Paid.
Total Transactions by Deposit Method This Summary tile shows a pie chart of the total transactions by deposit method.
Filter/Expand/Ellipsis Hovering over the column headers pulls up the Filter/Expand/Ellipsis option. The filter shows how many filters you have specified for this report. The expand allows you to expand the Detailed Report. The ellipsis gives options to Print or Export this report.

Detailed Report


Section Description
Daysheet ID The Daysheet ID column displays the daysheet identifier for the indicated transaction.
Daysheet Date The Daysheet Date column displays the date that the daysheet was created.
Patient The Patient column displays the patient identifier and the patient's first and last name for the indicated transaction.
Insurance Paid + Patient Paid The Insurance Paid + Patient Paid column displays the total amount paid by the insurance carrier and the patient (adding the Insurance Paid column and Patient Paid column together).
InsurancePaid The Insurance Amount column displays the amount paid by the insurance carrier.
Patient Paid The Patient Amount column displays the total amount paid by the patient.
Check # The Check Number column displays the check number for the indicated transaction.
Deposit Method The Deposit Method indicates the type of the the deposit.
Deposit Source The Deposit Source column displays the way the deposit was collected (eg Copay, Portal, Deductible).
Note The Note Column provides any notes that were included for the selected transaction.