Diagnosis Codes


ICD-10 Code Updates Effective 10/1/2022
A list of the ICD-10 code additions and changes, effective 10/1/2022. It’s important to update templates, diagnostic tests, screenings, and favorites to include these new codes.
ICD-10 Code Updates Effective 10/1/2021
A list of changes made to ICD-10 codes, effective 10/1/2021, that have a potential impact on Pediatrics.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Diagnosis Codes
In this section you will find instructions on how to add, edit, and delete a Diagnosis Code.
Assigning Synonyms and Groups for Diagnosis Codes
Synonyms are used to add additional phrasing for one Diagnosis Code. This makes it easier to find the code you are looking for while maintaining the official description for each word.
Cross Mapping SNOMED Codes
The cross-mapping of diagnoses allows users to map a single diagnosis to multiple methodologies. For example, matching ICD-10 codes to lateral SNOMED coding.