Diagnostic Test Names


Add Additional Lab Facilities
Entering a New Lab Facility. Click on the first tab, Lab Facility Names. A list of the labs and radiology facilities will be displayed.
Set My Default Labs
Setting Default Labs. Access Utilities > Manage Clinical Features > Diagnostic Test Setup. This will open to the first tab, Lab Facilities Names.
Create New In-House Diagnostic Tests
In this section, the user will review the process of how to add new in-house Labs, Screening tests, Imaging and Procedures and their Results.
Adding a New Diagnostic Test to an Outside Lab Facility
In this section, the user will review the process of how to add new diagnostic test to an outside lab facility.
Edit the Diagnostic Test Result-Alpha Answer
In this section, the user will be guided through the process to edit and add to the in house diagnostic test result drop-down result alpha answers.
Export/Import Labs to a Lab Facility
This section of the documentation will instruct on the method of adding labs to a lab facility.
Customizing Lab Test Categories
Follow these steps.
Adding Diagnostic Tests to the Form
To add a new test, on the top menu bar click Utilities > Manage Clinical Features > Diagnostic Test Setup. Click on the School Form Test Mappings tab.