Diagnostic Tests FAQs

How do I get inhouse lead test charges to show day patient was seen, if done on different day?

Order the test on the day the patient is in the office and has the blood drawn, then the charge will go in for that day. This way you will create a list of pending lead tests, and when the test is run, you will go back into the test and enter in the results.

For inhouse tests, the charge goes to the superbill when the requisition/order is created, not when the result is entered.

How do I document PPD placement and reading?

The easiest way to document a PPD placement and reading is to do the following:

  1. Order the PPD.
  2. In the Notes field, indicate where the PPD was placed and the lot#/expiration date.

When the patient returns for the reading:

  1. Go to the diagnostic tests.
  2. Select the PPD.
  3. Click on the green plus sign in lower-left corner to create a new result line.
  4. Enter the result. You can either select an alpha result, or you can type in a number.

How do I print a lab order?

To print or reprint a pending lab order:

  1. Open the patient chart (click the Chart button).
  2. Search for and select the patient, if the patient is not already selected.
  3. Select the Diagnostic Tests tab.
  4. Click the Requisition/Results tab if it is not already selected.
  5. Locate the lab order you wish to print.
  6. Click the Printer icon button to the right of the lab orders.
  7. Print the lab order.

Note: The lab order requisition will not print if the status is set to Finalized. In this case, change the status to Pending, print the requisition, and then change the status back to Finalized once you're finished.

How do I reprint a completed lab order?

After a lab requisition status is set to Complete, it cannot be printed.  The requisition status must be changed to Pending to reprint the lab order. You can change the status back to Complete after you have reprinted the lab order.  To reprint a lab order that has already been completed:

  1. Open the patient chart (click the Chart button).
  2. Search for and select the patient, if the patient is not already selected.
  3. Select the Diagnostic Tests tab.
  4. Click the Requisition/Results tab if it is not already selected.
  5. Locate the completed lab order you wish to reprint.
  6. Select the Status dropdown for the lab order and choose Pending.
  7. Click the Printer icon button to the right of the lab orders.
  8. Print the lab order.
  9. Select the Status dropdown and change the status back to Completed.

How do I see labs that have failed to be imported?

Version 14.10

This information will be presented on the Diag Tests tab in the Schedule and Practice Workflow window. The failed results will be displayed on the Failed Results tab. If there are failed results present on this tab, the record count in that grid will add to the record count displayed on the Diag Tests tab.

When viewing failed results, the only action that can be taken is to mark the failed result as reviewed by selecting the Reviewed? checkbox in the grid. Once the checkbox is selected, refresh the window to remove the failed result from view. To view all errors (reviewed and non-reviewed) click the Show All check box located on the top-right corner of the Failed Results tab.

Note: For any failed result, contact the lab to request a different method for receiving the lab result (mail, fax, etc.). In addition, there is a hyperlink to a Google form where information can be entered with details of the error. This will allow support to further research/troubleshoot the particular reason why HL7 message failed.

How do I print pending lab requisitions?

If a practice needs to print pending lab requisitions the Review Date Range report must be used. The Status column will need to be filtered to Pending. Once the filter is set, click the Print button.

How do I print lab results?

To print a lab or diagnostic test result follow the steps below.

  1. From the Clinical tab, Practice Management tab or Billing tab, click the Patient Chart button.
  2. Search for and select a patient.
  3. Click Diagnostic Tests.
  4. From the Requisitions panel, select the diagnostic test to print and click the Print Req button.
  5. Select the printer icon from the Print Preview window.

Why are Lab Test Codes for External Labs different than the Test Codes in OP?

OP gets information from both in-house and external labs. For in-house labs, test codes are manageable by OP, but for external labs (like eLabs), OP does not have control over the compendium update process, and therefore their lab test codes differ from the ones used in other parts of OP.

Fig.1: The highlighted area comes from eLabs, an external source of data and OP does not have control over how laboratory tests are named or identified.

If you have questions about available labs under the eLabs electronic order form, create a support request ticket.