e-Prescribing Center Badges

Once e-Prescribe or Refill Reqs is clicked in the Main Navigation Panel, users are taken to the ePrescribing Center. This is where all patient prescriptions are displayed. The window will either open on Created, Not Printed/Sent or Refill Requests depending on which Main Navigation Panel item is clicked. 

All of the tabs in the ePrescribing Center reflect the default 7 day period as displayed in the Written date fields. Counts will reflect that time span as well as the Prescriber, which defaults to the logged-in prescriber. The only counts that will be red are for prescriptions that Failed, or are in the Created, Not Printed/Sent for more than 30 minutes.

Where possible, the counts are filtered to the prescriber (Created, Not Printed/Sent, Sent, Delivered, Failed, EPCS Pending). Where not possible (Need Co-signature, Refill/Change Requests, Refills Denies, ePA), the counts and details reflect prescriptions for the practice.