Edit a Checklist Task

Version 14.19

This window map article points out some of the important aspects of the window you're working with in OP but is not intended to be instructional. To learn about topics related to using this window, see the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.

Edit a Checklist Task

Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button >  Tasks > select the task > Edit button

After a task is created, the task can be altered using the Edit a Checklist Task window.  In the Edit Checklist Task window, you can change the department, alter a task description, or change the due date of the selected task.

Edit a Checklist Task Map




DepartmentThe department field changes the department of the current task.


TaskThe Task field alters the wording of the task description (100 characters maximum).


Due DateThe Due Date field changes that the date the task is due.


OK buttonThe OK button accepts the changes.


Cancel buttonThe Cancel button rejects the changes.
Version 14.10

Edit a Checklist Task

Path: Smart Toolbar > Chart button > Tasks tab > Edit (Pencil) button

After a task is created, the task can be altered using the Edit a Checklist Task window.  In the Edit Checklist Task window you can change the department, alter a task description, or change the due date of the selected task.

Edit a Checklist Task Map




DepartmentThe department field changes the department of the current task.


TaskThe Task field alters the wording of the task description (100 characters maximum).


Due DateThe Due Date field changes that the date the task is due.


OK buttonThe OK button accepts the changes.


Cancel buttonThe Cancel button rejects the changes.