Edit Archived Claim Transactions

Version 14.19

This window map article points out some of the important aspects of the window you're working with in OP but is not intended to be instructional. To learn about topics related to using this window, see the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.

About Edit Archived Claim Transactions

Path: Billing tab > Billing Center button > Claims tab > select claim > Edit button

Sometimes there will be instances where an office will need to send a corrected claim for a claim that was sent out the door incorrectly. The Edit Archived Claim Transactions window corrects errors on a claim that has been logged onto the daysheet.

Edit Archived Claim Transactions Map




Claim InformationThe Claim Information provides claim details.  The fields are grouped into tabs that explain the claim summary information, basic information (rendering provider, location, dates, and diagnosis), other CMS-1500 form items (such as injury-related questions, dates unable to work, lab info), and Institutional information (such as admission and discharge dates).


Claim Transaction gridThe Claim Transaction grid lists the financial transactions related to the claim.


Function ButtonsThe function buttons edit a record, save changes, cancel changes, and refresh data.
Version 14.10

About Edit Archived Claim Transactions

Path: Smart Toolbar > Account button > Claims tab > Edit button

Sometimes there will be instances where an office will need to send a corrected claim for a claim that was sent out the door incorrectly. The Edit Archived Claim Transactions window corrects errors on a claim that has been logged onto the daysheet.

Edit Archived Claim Transactions Map




Claim InformationThe Claim Information provides claim details.  The fields are grouped into tabs that explain the claim summary information, basic information (rendering provider, location, dates and diagnosis), other CMS-1500 form items (such as injury related questions, dates unable to work, lab info), and Institutional information (such as admission and discharge dates).


Claim Transaction gridThe Claim Transaction grid lists the financial transactions related to the claim.


Function ButtonsThe function buttons edit a record, save changes, cancel changes, and refresh data.