Edit Vaccine

Version 20.13

This window map article points out some of the important aspects of the window you're working with in OP but is not intended to be instructional. To learn about topics related to using this window, see the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.

About Edit Vaccine

Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Encounters or Well Visits > New Note or Open Note button > Immunizations > Complete List tab > Edit Button
Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Immunizations > Complete List tab > Edit Button

The Edit Vaccine window allows the user to edit the details of a vaccine for a patient. Edits can be made to any field in the window. 

Edit Vaccine

1Vaccine DetailsThe details of the vaccine that was administered to the patient, including the date and time of vaccination, administering and counseling individuals, location, vaccine and lot information, and body site information.
VIS InformationThe VIS information displays the details of the VIS provided to the patient with the administration of the vaccine.
3Vaccine Status InformationThe Vaccine status information includes the status, comments added by the vaccination, and the Do Not Forecast checkbox, which is used to indicate the vaccine should not be considered in the patient's vaccine forecast.
4Adverse Reaction DetailsThese fields are used to document if the patient had an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Once a date is selected in the Adverse Event Date field, the drop-down in the Adverse Event Reaction field becomes active. This field is mandatory when logging an Adverse Reaction. Additional notes about the reaction can also be added in the Adverse Notes field.
5Function ButtonsSave:  Saves the record and displays the edited vaccine in the Complete List grid.
Cancel: Prompts the user with a warning box and closes the window without saving the record.
Version 20.12

About Edit Vaccine

Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Well Visits > New Note or Open Note button > Immunizations > Complete List tab > Edit Button
Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Encounters > New Note or Open Note button > Immunizations > Complete List tab > Edit Button
Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Immunizations > Complete List tab > Edit Button

The Edit Vaccine window allows the user to edit the details of a vaccine for a patient. Edits can be made to any field in the window. 

Edit Vaccine

1Vaccine DetailsThe details of the vaccine include: route, body site, source of vaccine information, administering facility and adverse reaction, etc.
2Do not forecastThis checkbox is used to indicate the vaccine should not be considered in the patient's vaccine forecast.
3Adverse Reaction DetailsThe reported adverse reaction and date.
3Function ButtonsSave:  Saves the record and displays the edited vaccine in the Complete List grid.
Cancel: Prompts the user with a warning box and closes the window without saving the record.