Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA)


ePA Overview
Office Practicum has taken the pain out of prior authorization by integrating a fully automated electronic workflow called ePA (electronic Prior Authorization).
ePA Introduction
Have you ever ordered a prescription only to find out later that your staff received a call from the Pharmacist requesting a Prior Authorization (PA) be completed?
ePA Basics
Office Practicum has elected to integrate seamlessly with CompletEPA from Surescripts, our nation’s ePrescribing network with connections to the major Pharmacy Benefits Managers or PBMs.
ePA: Medication List
On the Medication List there are three fields which pertain to ePA: ePrior Auth Status, Worklist, and ePrior Auth Error Message.
ePA: eRx Center
The ePrior Auth tab within the eRx Center presents prescriptions for which a PA was automatically or manually indicated and printed or transmitted.
ePA Tasks
For ePA records with a Status of Action Required, a task is required to progress the PA. This article will show you the two response types.
 ePA Worklist - Quick Tip Video
This OP Quick Tip video reviews the ePA Worklist.