Export Vendor Files

ALERT: Importing and exporting documents is currently unavailable for Cloud practices, and the OP Team is working hard to return the functionality as soon as possible. The steps in this article are temporarily unavailable.

Please see the article on Import and Export workarounds for more information and temporary workarounds.

Note: This documentation applies to the OP Cloud environment.

To export vendor files from the OP Cloud:

  1. Create a claim file, statement file, or immunization registry file.
  2. Create a location on your desktop where you wish to export the file locally.
  3. Select Activities > Administrative Documents.
  4. Select the appropriate Correspondent ID and desired Transaction type (i.e.: 837 or STMT).
  5. Click the Search button.
  6. Locate and select the file you wish to export.
  7. Click the Export button.
  8. Navigate to the Network drive in the Save As window.
  9. Double-click tsclient.
  10. Double-click the \\tsclient\C Share folder or your local folder.  For your local folder, you are looking at local drive folders (C:\, D:\, etc.).
    The path to your desktop is Network > tsclient > C:\ >Users > local username > Desktop.
  • The "local username" will be the Windows username that is currently logged in.
  1. Navigate to the folder you created in step 2.

Once the file is deposited on the desktop, the user will be responsible for contacting their vendor to upload the file.