Financial Analytics (PA): Appointment Analysis


Version 21.3
Path: Tools tab > Reporting button > Financial Analytics > Appointment Analytics

When to Use this Report

Use this dashboard to quickly view monthly recaps of appointment statuses. For example, how many were kept, cancelled, completed, etc. for the month of June compared to July. You can see total appointment count, high patient volume trends throughout the day, and appointments cancelled within 1 day of their appointment.

Qualifications/Best Practices

For the Cancelled Appointments within 1 Day tile, your practice must document cancellations when they occur in order to get accurate data - if you mark appointments as cancelled the next day, even when they were cancelled the day of, those will not pull into the report.

About Appointment Analytics


You can filter this report by Location and/or by Provider by selecting from the drop-downs. Each tile is defaulted to show the last six months. You can click the filter icon within each tile to filter differently.

Appointment Analytics Dashboards Overview

Monthly Summary
Type of report: Summary Detailed Report
Displays: Quick glance at month over month total appointments and their various statuses, for the last six months.
• Grouped by Month and Appointment Status: In the top half of the report, the data is displayed for Total Visits and Appointment Status per month.
• Summary: In the Summary section, the Totals are shown for all months and Visit Types included in the filtered report.
Appointment Count Number of Appointments by day of the week
Type of report: Bar-graph
Displays: Visual representation of the month over month appointments and their various statuses.
• Total Visit(s): The number of total visits for that month appear on the top of each bar. Hover over the colors in each bar to see the number of visits per the associated status.
• Appointment Date (Month)
Type of report: Line Chart
Displays: Quick glance at week day patient volumes to see higher patient population days.
• Appointments: The number of appointments.
• Day of the Week: The day of the week.

• Note that this collates data for the last x months.

Number of Appointments by Hour
Type of report: Bar-graph
Displays: Quick glance at daily patient volume based on check-in time.
• Appointments: The total number of appointments throughout that hour.
• Hour Check in Time: The appointment is counted for the hour in which the check in occured.
Appointment Count by Type of Appointments Cancelled Appointments within 1 Day
Type of report: Pie Chart
Displays: High level look at appointment type volume.
Details: Hover over each slice of the pie chart to see more details. The percentage of the total for that visit type is calculated.

Type of report: Donut Chart
Displays: Amount of appointments cancelled/no showed within 24 hours of their appointment.
Criteria: Pulls all appointments with a status of Cancelled, Cancelled Same Day, or No Show that have an Exit Time within 24 hours of the appointment time.
Location Summary
Type of report: Bar-graph
Displays: Quick glance at appointment statuses based on locations.
(1): Shows the division of appointment statuses for each location.

(2): Shows the summary of the total number of appointments and appointment status for all locations.