Financial Analytics (PA): KPI Summary


Version 21.3
Path: Tools tab > Reporting button > Financial Analytics > KPI Summary

When to Use this Report

Use this dashboard to view Key Performance Indicators and trends for your practice.

About KPI Summary


This dashboard shows different Performance Indicators compared across the current Month-to-Date, Prior Month, current Year-to-Date, and prior Year.


Section Description
Days in A/R (Overall) The practices overall average days a claim is outstanding.
Days in A/R (>60 Days) The practices average days in A/R for claims that are greater than 60 days old.
Average Days to Convert Superbills to Claims The average amount of days it takes for superbills to be converted to claims.
Performance Indicator Lists the performance indicator to monitor your practices financials by.
Current MTD Shows the total amount for each section for the month.
Prior MTD Shows the total amount for each section for the prior month.
Current YTD Shows the total amount for each section for the year.
Prior YTD Shows the total amount for each section for the prior year.
Var (%) Shows the percentage difference between current and prior.

KPI Summary Dashboards Overview

Each tile is defaulted to show the last six months. You can click the filter icon within each tile to filter differently.

Claim Trend Gross Collection Rate Trend Net Collection Rate Trend
Type of report: Line Graph
Displays: Claim count (claims where charges were entered) over the last 6 months. Based on posted date and non-voided claims.
• Month         • Payer        
• Provider      • CPT Code
Type of report: Line Graph
Displays: Gross collection rate trend over the last 6 months,
• Month        • Payer        
• Provider     • CPT Code

Type of report: Line Graph
Displays: Net collection rate over the last 6 months.
• Month         • Payer        
• Provider      • CPT Code

Average Days to Finalized Encounter & Well Visit Notes
Type of report: Bar-graph
Displays: This shows the practices average days to sign off on a well visit note or encounter note.
Details: Shows the days to finalize count per note type.
Unfinalized Encounter & Well Visit Notes Average Charges, Payments, & Adjustments by Visit Type
Type of report: Bar-graph
Displays: This shows all the unfinalized encounter note and well visit notes. You can drill down to see the specific patients and dates of service to work and complete those notes.
Type of report: Detailed Report
Displays: This is the average charges, payments, and adjustments per visit type for the last 6 months.

(a) CPT Category - The category of the CPT codes with the associated charges.

(b) Average Charges - The average charge amount for CPT codes in the indicated category.

(c) Average Payments - The average payment amount for CPT codes in the indicated category.

(d) Average Adjustments - The average adjustment amount for CPT codes in the indicated category.