Financial Analytics (PA): Patient A/R Summary & Worklist


Version 21.3
Path: Tools tab > Reporting button > Financial Analytics > Patient A/R Summary & Worklist

When to Use this Report

Use this dashboard to work your outstanding patient A/R. You can view your patient A/R by bucket and drill down into the worklist to view the specific patients/claims with the outstanding balance.

Note: This dashboard is based on the Patient Responsibility Age, and not the Date of Service. Therefore this data will not match the Patient A/R in the Billing Center > Overview > A/R Summary tab since that pulls data based on the Date of Service.

About Patient A/R Summary & Worklist

Patient A/R Summary Filters


Section Description
Provider Use this filter to select a provider(s) associated patients with outstanding balances.
Location Use this filter to select the Location(s) of the patients with outstanding balances.
Bucket Use this filter to select the A/R Aging bucket you wish to view. 

Patient A/R Summary Overview

Patient Balance by Aging Bucket
Type of report: Bar Graph
Displays: This shows the patient balance in the aging buckets based on date it became the patient responsibility.
• Balance: The dollar amount of the combined patient balances.
• Bucket: The A/R Aging bucket that the patient balance falls into.
Patient Balance by Rendering and Claim Summary
Type of report: Bar Graph
Displays: This shows the patient balance by rendering provider and the total claim count.
• Balance: The dollar amount of the patient balance.
• Rendering Provider: The name of the rendering provider for that patient balance.

• Total Claims: The number of total claims for each rendering provider.

Patient Balance by CPT Category, Patient Count, and Claim Summary
Type of report: Map
Displays: This shows the patient balance by CPT Category, the total claims and total patient count.
• CPT Category: Click the CPT Category button to view the balance per CPT Category, with the total number of claims for each category.
• CPT Code: Click the CPT Code button to view the balance per specific CPT Code, with the total number of claims for each code.

Patient A/R Worklist Overview

This shows the patient details for the outstanding patient balances. To access, click the Worklist button at the top right of the Patient A/R Summary dashboard.


Section Description
Provider Use this filter to select a provider(s) and view their patients with outstanding balances.
Location Use this filter to select a location(s) and view those patients with outstanding balances.
Claim # Use this filter to select a Claim number with an outstanding balance. 
Patient # Use this filter to select a Patient number with an outstanding balance.
Bucket Use this filter to select the A/R Aging bucket you wish to view. 
Date of Service The Date of Service column displays the date of service for the associated balance.
Claim # The Claim # column displays the Claim number for the claim with an outstanding balance. These are grouped and you can expand/minimize the claim number to see all of the outstanding balances associated with it.
Patient  The Patient column displays the full name of the patient associated with the outstanding balance.
Patient Responsibility Date The Patient Responsibility Date column displays the date of the associated balance. This date is what the Patient Responsibility Age is based on.
Balance The Balance column displays the outstanding patient balance for the indicated claim.
Rendering Provider The Rendering Provider column displays the provider who rendered the service associated with the claim. 
Billing Provider The Billing Provider column displays the provider with Billing Credentials that billed for the service.
Location The Location column displays the location for the appointment. This is useful for practices that have multiple locations.
CPT Code The CPT code column lists the medical code for the visit on the date of service.
CPT Category The CPT Category column lists the category for the medical code (CPT) for the visit on the date of service.
Claim Note The Claim Note column displays any claim notes associated with the claim.
Bucket The Bucket column displays A/R Aging bucket the balance is currently in (0-30, 31-60, etc).