Financial Analytics (PA): Patient Demographics


Version 21.3
Path: Tools tab > Reporting button > Financial Analytics > Patient Demographics

When to Use this Report

Use this dashboard to view details regarding your patient population. You can view your patients ethnicity, race, gender identity and language, the population based on age and gender, the providers with the least amount of patient volumes, You can quickly see patients that have not been seen in over a year and your patient population based on status.

Qualifications/Best Practices

Maintain your patient's Demographics in order to pull the most relevant and accurate data in this report.

About Patient Demographics


You can filter this report by Location and/or by Provider by selecting from the drop-downs.

Patient Demographics Dashboards Overview

Hover over each tile to see details of the individual data points. Each tile is defaulted to show the last six months. You can click the filter icon within each tile to filter differently.

Gender by Age Gender by Growth Development Stage
Type of report: Distribution chart
Displays: Quick glance at your patient populate based on age and gender.
• Age: Displays age by years, with the exception of the first year divided into six months.
• Gender: Shows the gender distribution, with the number of patients for that age within each bar.

Type of report: Line Chart
Displays: A look at your patient population based on age and gender for the different development stages.
• Age Category: Split into Infancy, Toddler, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, and Others.
• # of Patients: Shows the total number of patients for that age category on the top of the bar, with the distribution percentages. Hover over each bar section to see more details.
Ethnicity Overview Race Overview
Type of report: Line Chart
Displays: A look at your patient population based on ethnicity.
• Ethnicity: Shows the number of registered patient's in your practice per ethnicity. 
Type of report: Pie Chart
Displays: A look at your patient population based on race.
Details: Hover over each section of the pie chart to see specific numbers/percentages.

Gender Identity Overview Language Overview
Type of report: Bar-graph
Displays: A look at your patient populations based on gender identity.
Details: Hover over each bar to see specific numbers/percentages.

Type of report: Bar Graph
Displays: A look at your patient population based on their main language.
Details: Hover over each bar to see specific numbers/percentages
Active Patient's Not Seen In Over 12 Months PCP's with the Lowest Active Patient Count Patient Status
Type of report: Line Graph
Displays: A look at your active patients, by age, that have not been seen in over 12 months.
Details: Hover over each age to see specific numbers of those active patients that have not been seen.
Type of report: Bar Graph
Displays: A look at your PCP's who have the fewest active patients to determine who can take on new patients.
Details: The number of their active patients shows within the list of the 10 PCP's with the fewest active patients.
Type of report: Bar Graph
Displays: A look at your patient population based on status.
Details: Hover over the bars for each patient status to see specific numbers.

Health Map by Zip Code
Type of report: Map
Displays: A look at your patient population based on Zip Code.
• Hover over the colored sections to see the zip code, city, and number or patients
• Zoom in and out with the plus/minus buttons on the bottom left of the map.