Forms, Correspondence, Medical Records FAQs

How do I print patient records?

The best place to print a patient's records is from the Event Chronology window.  

  1. Click the Chronology (Chron) button in the smart toolbar.  The Event Chronology window will appear.
  2. Select Event Chronology, ALL from the Report Criteria drop-down menu.
  3. Search for the patient whose records need to be printed.
  4. For the Report Dates: 
  • Select All to print all records 


  • Select Latest and specify the number of months or enter a specific date range.  

Note: OP defaults to Latest 24 months. If you were using the Latest field and then change to All, you must click the Search button to repopulate the results.

  1. Select Select All to print all record types.  

Note: By selecting Select All, you will also be printing the Messages from the patient's chart. Deselect all items for Record Type: Message to prevent internal messages from printing.

  1. Complete the Medical Record Disclosure Tracking window.  

To learn how to print a patient's Vaccine Records, click here

How do I release patient records?

Click here to learn about the different ways to release a patient's medical records.

How do I print a missed school note for a patient who wasn't seen in the office?

Missed School Notes can only be printed from the schedule when an appointment exists for that day. To generate a missed School Note for a patient who was not seen in the office, you will want to create a general letter. Click here to view an article that will walk you through the process. 

How do I change the default Disclosure recipient?

When printing patient records, you are required to complete the Medical Record Disclosure Tracking window to indicate which records were printed/released, who received them, and who processed the release. 

By default, Office Practicum enters the recipient of the records as "In house: file copy". If you find that it's more likely that you are giving the records to a parent, for example, you can change the sort order of the disclosure recipient so that "Given to Parent" appears first in the list. To do this:

  1. Select Utilities > Manage Codes > Coded Values in the main menu bar.
  2. In the Code Table Purpose section at the top of the window, scroll down to find Disclosure recipient.
  3. In the lower section of the window, select the most commonly used recipient for your practice.
  4. Click the Edit Record button .
  5. In the Sort column for the recipient, change the number to 1.
  6. Click the Post Editbutton to save.
  7. Now, when you print/release records, the default recipient will reflect that of sort 1.