Grouping Data

Version 14.19

Grouping Data

In OP,  you have the capability of managing how you would like to see data grids grouped. This capability is especially helpful when viewing reports. The image below provides an example on how to group data. To group data:

  1. Access the location where you would like to group the data.
  2. Locate the column header that you would like to group your data by. If using this feature in a report within OP, it may be useful to click the Refresh Grid button to populate your report data prior to grouping.
  1. Click the desired column header. Then, drag and drop the header into the dark grey area that says 'Drag a column header here to group by that column'.
  • To remove a grouping, drag the column header from the grey area back to the report grid.
  • If you accidentally remove the column completely, you may add it back into the data table by using the Show/Hide columns button.
  1. If you'd like to save the grouping, click the Personalize tab and the Save Active Form button to save the settings for the Active window. To unsave your preference, click Clear Active Form button in the Personalize tab.

Version 14.10

Grouping Data

In OP 14 you have the capability of managing how you would like to see the data grouped. This capability is especially helpful when viewing reports. The image below provides an example on how to group data. To group data:

  1. Access the location where you would like to group the data.
  2. Locate the column header that you would like to group your data by.
  • If using this feature in a report within OP, it may be useful to click the Refresh Grid button to populate your report data prior to grouping.
  1. Click the desired column header. Then, drag and drop it into the dark grey area that says 'Drag a column header here to group by that column'.
  • To remove a grouping, simply drag the column header from the grey area back to the report grid.
  • If you accidentally remove the column completely, you may add it back into the data table by using the Show/Hide columns button.
  1. If you'd like to save the grouping, click the Pref button in the smart toolbar to save the settings for the Active window.
  • To unsave your preference, hold CTRL on your keyboard, and click the Pref button. Then, confirm your change.