How can I mark stuck clearinghouse files as reviewed?

Clearinghouse files, such as payments and acknowledgements, can sometimes become "stuck" which causes subsequent files to not pull into OP. Stuck files are usually identified by either an ISC error message (such as when an Instamed portal payment file is stuck) or by a lack of files coming in (such as ERA payment and acknowledgements). There may also be instances where you do not want a specific file to pull into OP.  In either of the above scenarios, you can follow the steps below to mark the stuck file as reviewed and resume file processing as normal:

  1. Navigate to the Administrative Documents Repository: Admin tab > Admin Documents.
  2. Select the Transaction type for the stuck file. Here are some examples:
  • 835 = ERA payments
  • 277, 997, 999 = Acknowledgments
  • PAY = Instamed portal payments (see Example below)
  1. Click the Search button.  All outstanding files are displayed with the stuck file at the top of the list.
  2. Select the Revd? checkbox for the stuck file to mark it as reviewed.
  3. Click the Mark Reviewed button.  
  4. Navigate to the Billing Center: Billing tab > Billing Center button.
  5. Click the Claims (A/R) tab (if processing Instamed portal payments or Acknowledgement files) or the Adjudications tab (if processing ERA payment files).
  6. Click the Process button. The files being held up by the stuck file are processed into OP.
  7. Repeat this process until all files that have not been reviewed have been marked reviewed.

Example: One reason Instamed portal payments become stuck is when the patient account number was incorrectly entered. Users should visit their Instamed account to review patient payments and enter them manually into OP if the account number was incorrectly entered. To review the files in OP:

  1. Navigate to Admin tab > Admin Documents.
  2. Select the Correspondent ID IMD and Transaction type PAY.
  3. Follow the above remaining steps above.