How do I add a Parent/Guardian/Family Contact to the OP Portal if they are also a patient?

If a parent/guardian is also a patient at your practice, the Welcome email will not be sent if their entry in their own Family Contacts is listed Self as the Role/Reason.

To send the Welcome Email and allow the parent/guardians portal account to show their own patient account as well as their dependent(s),
  1. Create a Family Contact in the child's/dependent's chart with the required fields and save.
  2. Navigate to the parent's Patient Chart > Family Contacts.
  3. Create a Family Contact in the parent's chart with the required fields. Their Role/Reason cannot be Self. We recommend setting the Role/Reason to Other Relative
    • The Authority is must still be set to either Joint or Exclusive.
    • The Email address must match what is on the Family Contacts for the child/dependent.

After the parent registers, they will see themselves as a dependent on their OP Portal account, as well as any children/other dependents.