How do I choose the Export Location for Data Export when I add a CDA Export Job?

WarningThis information is intended only for clients who are using the InteliChart portal.

The Export Location differs between On-Premise clients and Cloud clients.


The location entered must be a folder that it is located on your gdb_common. We recommend that you create a folder on the gdb_common specifically for your CDA exports. Consequently, the path that you would enter in the Export Location field would be "C:\OP\gdb_common\[Folder Name you created]". Additional folders will be created for each run of the job. The name of the folder will include the Job Name and Date. The folder will contain all exported CDAs. 

In addition to the local file location, On-Premise users will use the Export Location to generate a location you want to save your exported files on S3 which is within your Cloud Storage. You can access these exported files by following the instructions here

If the Export Location is left blank, the CDA will not be saved locally. However, the job will create a folder with the JOBNAME_DATE in S3.


The Export Location chosen is the location you wish to export your CDAs on your Cloud Storage (S3). You can access these exported files by following the instructions here

Note: Avoid these characters when saving a location: {, }, ^, %, `, ], [, "", >, <, ~, #, |, and non-printable ASCII characters (128–255 decimal characters).