How do I update a Provider's legally changed name?


Prior to changing a provider's name in OP 14, you will want to be sure to contact any party that receives information from the provider either by name, or some numerical identifier. The order in which changes should be made would be best determined by the parties receiving the information. The best place to start with a legal name change for a provider is with the NPI Registry, but all entities should be contacted. This article will instruct you how to update the provider's name in OP 14 when it is determined the best time to do so.

WarningFailure to contact all vendors or parties receiving information may result in rejections such as claim rejections or prescription rejections.

Staff/Provider Directory

  1. Navigate to Utilities > Manage Practice > Staff/Provider Directory. The Staff Directory window will open.
  2. Select the provider's name in the Staff name column. These are listed by location. If you do not see the provider you're looking for, either change the location or select the All checkbox. After selecting the provider, his/her information will appear in the right side of the window. 
  3. If you are not already there, click the Basic Info tab.
  4. Click the Edit Record button .
  5. Edit the following as appropriate:
  • First/middle name
  • Last name/suffix
  • Initials
  • Colloquial name
  1. Click the Provider Info tab, and edit the Signature name.
  2. Click the Post Edit button  to save your changes.

Address Book

The provider's name in the Address Book will be updated automatically once the Staff/Provider Directory entry is saved. However, it is still necessary to confirm the complete entry for the provider in the Address Book.

  1. Click Adr Bk on the Smart Toolbar. The Address Book window will open.
  2. Search for the provider by name or category.
  3. Select the provider entry.
  4. Click the Edit Record button.
  5. Review and edit the tabs as appropriate.
  6. Click the Post Edit button.
  7. Click Exit.

Note: It may be appropriate to change the signature of the provider that has been scanned into OP. After removing the existing signature, click here to learn about scanning in a provider's signature.