How do I use WinSCP to make an SFTP Connection to view documents I exported on S3 (Cloud Storage)?

WarningThis information is intended only for clients who are using the InteliChart portal.

OP takes PHI and security very seriously! That is why accessing your S3 (Cloud Storage) location will be done through a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). 

Please contact OP Support by emailing for more information and to enable this feature. OP Support will get in touch with the correct team to expedite your request. 

Once credentials have been acquired, follow the directions below to download and use WinSCP to access your documents exported to S3:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Download Now button.
  3. Click the Download WinSCP button, or choose the Other Downloads if needed. This places an executable in your Downloads folder.
  4. Click on the executable to proceed through the installation process. Once the installation process is completed, you will receive a Login window.

  1. Complete the following fields:
  • File Protocol: Leave the default of SFTP.
  • Host name: Enter the URL Login provided in the email received from OP.
  • User name and Password: Enter the user name and password provided in the email received from OP.
  1. Click the Login button.

To learn more about WinSCP, please visit their Help Documentation.