How to Find Pharmacies in Clinical Contact

Patients can pick and choose the pharmacy they prefer and OP records this preference in their Clinical Contact. Providers then require this information when the time to restock comes. Keep in mind the following considerations to find pharmacies in OP:

If you’re using Surescripts, some pharmacies may disappear from the Previously Used section because Surescripts labeled it as inactive after running its daily pharmacy list update. You can find the pharmacy by checking Include Inactive Pharmacies from the Choose a Pharmacy window. Hidden pharmacies are shown in red and crossed out.

The pharmacy information on the Clinical Contacts does not correlate to the Pharmacy selection in the RX Writer. The selection is primarily driven by what is in the Previously Used by the patient. The pharmacy behavior in Previously Used by the patient is as follows:

  • If you ADD a pharmacy to Clinical Contacts, even if you have never sent an Rx to that pharmacy before, this pharmacy will now appear in Previously used by this patient.
  • If you REMOVE a pharmacy from Clinical Contacts and you have never sent an RX to that pharmacy, the pharmacy will disappear from Previously used by this patient.
  • If you ADD a pharmacy to Clinical Contacts, send an Rx there, then remove it from Clinical Contacts, it will still. appear in Previously Used by this Patient.
  • If you want to remove it from Previously Used By This Patient, you have to click the Remove from Patient button rather than just removing it from Clinical Contacts.

With the upcoming version 21.4 of OP, you can expect the following improvements to this workflow: 

  • You'll be able to see the most recently used pharmacy in a new column, Pharmacy at the top of the medication list.
  • You'll be able to see the friendly name of the pharmacy in the dropdown of the Prescription Writer.