Immunization Full List

Version 20.15

This window map article points out some of the important aspects of the window you're working with in OP but is not intended to be instructional. To learn about topics related to using this window, see the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.

About Immunization Complete List

Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Immunizations > Complete List button

The Complete List button on the Patient’s immunization chart shows the list of immunization details for the selected patient.

Immunization Complete List Map


Section Description


New Shows the New Vaccine window to enter the immunization information and create a new record.


Edit Shows the Edit Vaccine window to modify the immunization information of the selected record. Selected records are marked by a caret  to their left.


Delete Deletes the selected record. Selected records are marked by a caret  to their left.


Refuse/Defer Shows the Refuse/Defer window to enter information to refuse or defer the selected immunization record. Selected records are marked by a caret  to their left.


Requeue Retries the transmissions marked as warning or error to the next transmission for the selected immunization record. Selected records are marked by a caret  to their left.
6 Expand grid Indicates whether to expand grid?
7 Registry Status Key Shows the possible status icons and their meaning in the Registry Status column:
  •  Message Accepted : Indicates that the registry received and accepted all data components associated with the transmitted immunization record.
  • Received with warning : Indicates that the registry received and accepted the immunization record that was transmitted, however it identified one or more invalid data components associated with the record. Action to correct the rejected data components is optional.
  • Received with errors : Indicates that the registry received and likely did not accept the immunization record that was transmitted due to one or more data components associated to the record failing a core requirement by the registry. Action to correct the rejected data components is required to ensure that the registry consumes the immunization record successfully.
  • Requeuing to Registry : Indicates that the registry is being retransmitted to correct rejected data components.

By clicking on any of the icons described above, a modal will pop up for the OP user allowing a preview of the acknowledgement that was received back from the registry. Upon clicking the Show HL7 button in bottom right corner of the modal, the full details of the response returned by the registry for each time the record has been transmitted will be displayed to the user.