Importing or Exporting a Phrase Construction Notebook

Version 14.19
Path: Clinical tab > Phrases


This article explains how to import or export Phrase Construction Notebooks. This can be used to share Notebooks. Before getting started, ensure the Phrase Construction toolbar is displayed at the top of the window. If the toolbar is blank, click the Toolbars drop-down menu and select Phrase Construction Properties.

Import a Notebook

  1. Navigate to the Phrase Construction window following the path above.
  2. Click the Import button.
  3. Locate and select the Notebook file.

  1. Click the Open button. The Notebook is imported.

Export a Notebook

  1. Navigate to the Phrase Construction window following the path above.
  2. Select the Notebook to export.
  3. Click the Export button.
  4. Save the file. The Notebook is exported.

Version 14.10
Utilities > Manage Clinical Features > Phrase Construction


You will be instructed on how to import or export notebooks.  This can be useful if a practice would like to share a notebook.

If you do not see the Phrase Construction Toolbar click the drop-down next to Toolbars in the upper left corner and select Phrase Construction Properties.

Import a Notebook

  1. Click the Import Notebook button .
  2. Locate and select the Notebook file.

  1. Notebook imported.

Export a Notebook

  1. Select the Notebook to export.
  2. Click the Export Notebook button.
  3. Save the file.

  1. Notebook exported.