Importing Documents

ALERT: Importing and exporting documents is currently unavailable for Cloud practices, and the OP Team is working hard to return the functionality as soon as possible. The steps in this article are temporarily unavailable.

In the meantime, please use the following workaround to scan your documents into OP:

  1. Print the files needed from your computer.
  2. Follow the steps in this article to scan your documents into OP.

Note: Your workstation must have Remote Scan installed on any machine which has a scanner attached to it in order to scan directly into OP. 

Note: This documentation applies to the OP Cloud environment.

To import a document into the OP Cloud:

  1. Click the Document Mgmt button on the main OP toolbar to access the Document Management window.
  2. Click the New Document button.
  3. Select the Import Documents button (or the Import Image Files button, depending on what you want to import). The File Explorer window appears. 
  4. Navigate to the Network location in the File Explorer window.
  5. Select tsclient.
  6. Locate Local Drive folders (C:\, D:\, etc.).  The path to your desktop is Network > tsclient > C:\ >Users > local username > Desktop.
  • The "local username" will be the Windows username that is currently logged in.

Tip: We recommend that your IT Professional setup a Shared Network folder or drive to make the importing path more accessible. This is applicable when users are able to scan directly to the shared folder.