Installation on an iPad

Note: This documentation applies to the OP Cloud environment.

Installing Office Practicum on an Ipad

  1. Download the Parallels Client from the App Store (not iTunes). 

Note: Do not download Parallels Access or Parallels Client (legacy).

  1. Add a new connection by pressing the plus (+) sign in the upper-left corner of the screen.

  1. Select Remote Application Server.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the proper information.
  1. Friendly name is OP.
  2. The Server Address address is unique for each practice and is supplied by Office Practicum.
  3. If you are unsure of which connection to use, please contact OP Tech Support.
  4. The Username and Password will be supplied by Office Practicum and will be unique to each iPad. Add @OP at the end of the username (example 589_test1@op).
  5. Open Connection Settings.

  1. Connection Settings:
  1. Connection Mode is Gateway.
  2. Turn on Secure Connection.
  3. Go back to New RAS Connection.

  1. Open Advanced Settings:
  1. Open Local Resources.
  2. Change "Open URLs on" to be This Device.
  3. Select Connect at the top-right corner of the screen.

  1. Open Office Practicum.

  1. Accept the Certificate and turn on Don't ask me again.

iPad Mouse Setting Recommendation

  1. Within Parallels, there there is a control panel on the right side (swipe right to hide, swipe from the right to left to view):
  2. Click the Settings icon (gear).
  3. Click Mouse Mode.
  4. Click Dumbo Mouse.