IT Professional

Note: The following Specifications and Recommendations made by Office Practicum are based solely on tested and successful implementations. We do not have any partnerships or current affiliations with these hardware vendors. Please consult with your IT Professional to make sure your devices meet our minimum requirements.

IT Professional

Your business will now be largely dependent on computers. The success and efficient workflow of your office depends on the well-being and reliability of your hardware. As a result, it is of the utmost importance to your business to hire a qualified and experienced hardware / IT technician who can assist and support your business throughout its use of computers.

When hiring a hardware / IT technician they should be a reliable, experienced and qualified individual that you can depend upon to effectively and promptly address and resolve any hardware issues that arise in your office. In addition, your hardware / IT technician should  be located in your local area, or your town, so that they can attend to issues at your office quickly.

Note: Research IT companies in your area and community, many, if not all,  businesses in your area will also use computers and therefore employ  hardware and IT technicians. Those companies, and perhaps other  colleagues and pediatricians in your area, would be able to make  recommendations for particular companies, and/or individual technicians.  It is very important to ask for references and proof of qualifications  before hiring a hardware / IT technician to ensure that they are  qualified and reliable.