Medical Records Flow from OP to the OP Portal

OP sets all defaults to share all information. Any individual decisions by Practice-users to restrict information sharing (access, use, or exchange) are the responsibility of the Practice in the implementation of its 21st Century Cures Act Information Blocking policies and procedures for its Practice and patients.


A patient's medical records, including Labs, Visit Note Summaries, Surveys, Medications/Prescriptions, and more with a Visibility Level of Any Staff Member can be sent to the OP Portal for the parent/patient to view. 

The sections below outline the individual qualifications for each Medical Record type to be sent to the OP Portal.


Labs will be visible to the parent/patient in the OP Portal if they have a Reviewed, Informed or Complete status, and will show up in the Labs Results section of Medical Records on the parent's view. Any additional/supplemental documents included with the lab will show up in the Results Documents section of Medical Records on the parent's view.

To have a patient's labs be sent over to the OP Portal, please note:

  • Lab Orders and Results that have a visibility level higher than Any staff member will not be sent to the OP Portal.
  • Lab Orders created in OP must be associated with a provider.
  • Tests and result components, created in Diagnostic Tests, must contain a LOINC code.


In your configuration, you would have chosen to send ALL of a patient's medications/prescriptions to the OP Portal, or only CURRENT Medications. If you chose current, it refers to Medications in OP that are either marked as chronic or do not include an Rx end date. Past Medications, on the other hand, are those that have an end date that has passed.

To change a Medication so that it is displayed in the Past Medications tab rather than the Current Medications tab follow one of the workflows below:

  1. In OP, navigate to the patient's Medications in their chart.
  2. Select the Medication to edit, and click the Edit button.
  3. If selected, deselect the Include in chronic medication list checkbox. An end date will populate following current calculation based on Start Date, Days Supply, and # of Refills.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.


  1. In OP, navigate to the patient's Medications in their chart.
  2. Select "N" from the Chronic drop-down menu to change a medication from chronic to not chronic. An end date will populate following current calculation based on Start Date, Days Supply, and # of Refills. If the calculated end date is earlier than today, the end date will default to today's date.

Tip: To ensure Medications are displayed in the portal where the patient or parent would expect to see them, we recommend confirming the Rx End Date at the time a prescription is created.


Anything that you choose to Share to Portal, with a visibility level of Any Staff Member in Document Management will be sent to the parent on the OP Portal. Documents that can come over from OP include Visit Note summaries, Printed Prescriptions, Results Documents, and more.


How Surveys Get Sent to the Portal

Respective of patient privacy, only Surveys with a visibility level of Any Staff Member are sent to the portal. Surveys are sent to the portal when:

  • A Task is created for the Survey to the Patient Department.
  • An appointment, scheduled using a Template that contains a Standing Order, is marked Confirmed, Self-confirmed or Left message.

Important: If you are experiencing Surveys being automatically sent to the portal 7 days prior to the appointment, you may contact support to change the submission of surveys to the portal. This change will use the Confirm Statuses of Confirmed, Self-confirmed, and Left message as to when a survey is sent to the portal.

Portal Note: Surveys are received in the portal as Messages which direct the parent/patient on how to complete the Survey. As a reminder, both the OP user sending the Survey and the patient receiving the Survey require an active portal account for the Survey to be successfully sent to the portal.

Rescore Surveys Taken on the Portal

Internal OP Surveys completed on the portal are received in OP with a score of -1. This indicates to the provider that the Survey needs to be rescored. To rescore the Survey:

  1. Navigate to and select the Survey in the Patient Chart.
  2. Click the Rescore button. The Survey is scored according to the rules in OP and the new score is displayed.

Survey Setup Automation: Add Surveys as Tasks to a Template

  1. Navigate to Encounter Templates or Well Visit Templates and select a template.
  2. Click the Orders/Workflow tab.
  3. Click the Surveys tab and modify the following for existing surveys.
  • Click the drop-down for Department and select Patient.
  • Click the drop-down for Usage and select Standing.
  1. Click the Save button.
  2. Repeat the above steps for all surveys that will be sent to the OP Patient Portal.

Note: If adding a new survey to a template, confirm Patient is selected as the Department and the Usage is set to Standing. For additional information on adding a survey to a template, click here.

Workflow: Task a Survey from a Visit

  1. From an open Well or Encounter visit note, select Plan/Orders.
  2. Confirm the Survey is submitted as a task on the Order Worksheet Summary.
  3. To add an additional survey, follow the steps below.
  1. Click the Survey tab.
  2. If the survey to task is available in the survey picklist window, confirm the Department is Patient and click the checkbox in the Add column.
  3. If the survey to task is not available, 
    • Click the Add button.
    • Click the drop-down and select the survey from the list.
    • Confirm the Department is Patient, click the Save button.
  4. Once all surveys are added, click the Create button.
  5. Click the OK button, on the confirmation window, to create the survey task.

Workflow: Create a Survey Task Outside of a Visit

  1. From a patient chart, click Tasks.
  2. Click the New Order button to open the Order Worksheet.
  3. Click the Survey tab then click the Add button.
  4. Click the drop-down and select a survey from the list.
  5. Confirm the Department is Patient, click the Save button.
  6. Once all surveys are added, click the Create button.
  7. Click the OK button, on the confirmation window, to create the survey task.

Steps to Take When the Parent/Patient Didn't Complete the Survey on the Portal

If a Survey was sent to the portal but was not completed on the portal, the practice may decide to complete the Survey in the office during the patient's visit. When this is the case, the following steps should be taken to disable the Survey that was previously sent to the portal and task the Survey to be completed in-office.

  1. From the patient chart, click Tasks.
  2. Select the Task for the Queued Survey, and click the Delete button. Once the Survey Task is deleted, the parent will not be able to take the Survey from the Message they received in the Patient Portal. They can be instructed by the practice staff to ignore the message or mark it Read.
  3. Create a new Task for the Survey, making sure to send it to a department other than Patient, or, click New in the Survey window and complete the survey.