

Create a Message
Learn how to create a new patient Message.
Respond to a Message
Learn how to respond to a Message in OP.
Comment on a Message
Learn how to comment on a Message.
View Medical Summary and Demographics in a Patient Message
Learn about the information displayed in the Medical Summary and Demographics tabs of the Message window.
View Prior Messages
Learn how to view a patient's prior messages from the Message window and from the Patient Chart.
Invalidate a Message
Learn how to invalidate a patient Message.
Send, Reply To, or Acknowledge an Instant Message
Learn how to send an Instant Message to another OP user in your Practice. Permission required.
Print Messages
Overview A patient's messages can be printed from several places in OP: Medical Records The Message Center The Message window Print Messages from Medical Records From the Clinical  tab, click the Medical  Records  button. The Medical  ...
Prescribe a Medication From a Message
Learn how to refill and create a new prescription from a Message.
DIRECT Messaging
Version 21.3 About You can look up a recipient's DIRECT address through the national DirectTrust™ National Provider Directory without leaving OP. You can do this either when creating a message or through the Address Book . Also, you can now...