Move a Patient Balance Back to Insurance

Version 20.8
Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Claims


Balances that have been dropped to Patient Responsibility but that need to be reflected as Insurance Balances can easily be reverted from the Claims section of the Patient Chart.

Revert Patient Responsibility

  1. Navigate to the patient's Claims by following the path above.
  2. Click to select the claim or claim line that needs the Patient Responsibility reverted. If selecting an individual claim line, you will need to follow these steps for each claim line that needs the Patient Responsibility reverted.

  1. Click the Revert Pat Resp button.
  2. Click OK to confirm you want to revert the patient responsibility for the entire selected claim or selected transaction (based on your selection). The amount previously displayed in the Patient Owed column is moved to the Insurance Balance column. You can then proceed with queuing the claim to go to the appropriate Insurance payer or apply an Insurance adjustment, if applicable.