Objective 5-Measure 2 Workflow: Patient-Specific Educational Resources

Warning: All Patient Education actions must be taken during the charting of a Well Visit or Encounter to count for this measure. The handout will not appear on the OP Patient Portal until the task is complete or the visit note is finalized.

Sending Patient Education: Problem List

  1. From an open Encounter or Well Visit note, click Problem List.
  2. Highlight the problem and click the Patient Education button.

  1. A confirmation window displays, click the Patient button.

  1. The handout will appear in Plan/Orders in the task list.

Sending Patient Education: Medications

  1. From an open Encounter or Well Visit note, click Medications.
  2. Highlight the medication and click the Patient Education button.

  1. A confirmation window display, click the Patient button.

  1. The handout will appear in Plan/Orders in the task list.

Sending Patient Education: Allergies

  1. From an open Encounter or Well Visit note, click Allergies.
  2. Highlight the allergy and click the Patient Education button.

  1. A confirmation window displays, click the Patient button.

  1. The handout will appear in Plan/Orders in the task list.

Sending Patient Education: Assessment

Warning: All diagnosis codes in the Assessment tab must be mapped to a SNOMED code to properly link educational handouts. The SNOMED can be added when charting a visit, the practice templates can be modified to include the SNOMED, or the practice can create a cross mapping. Click a link below to view information on mapping SNOMED codes.

  1. From an open Encounter or Well Visit note, click Assessment.
  2. Highlight the diagnosis line and click the Patient Education button.

Note: You may select the Auto-create patient education checkbox and save this as a preference. If checked all diagnosis codes, in the Assessment window, will automatically create a task for a handout.

  1. The handout will appear in Plan/Orders in the task list.

Viewing Patient Education on the OP Patient Portal

  1. Parent/guardian/patient will log in to the patient portal.
  2. Select the child account which handouts were sent from OP.
  3. Click Health Education on the Navigation Panel.
  4. Educational handouts appear in the Health Education panel.


  • Additional patient educational materials may be sent to the patient/parent/guardian to access on the OP Patient Portal. These educational materials will not increment the numerator for this report.
  • The handout will be available to the patient/parent/guardian when a visit note is finalized. When completing the task, as described below, the handout will be available to the patient/parent/guardian when the task is complete. Note: The task will remain as Not Started, on the patient record, if sending when the visit note is finalized. It is the practice responsibility to determine how to handle the tasks that remain Not Started.
    Complete the task
    • Highlight the task in the list and click the Do Now button or double-click to open the handout.
    • From Tasks, click the drop-down in the Status field and select Completed.