OP Community Listservs


Office Practicum has three Community Listservs that are designed to be a space for our users in leadership positions at their practice to ask workflow-related questions, get OP tips and tricks from fellow OP users, share best practices and successes, and learn something new every day!

The three Listserv communities are:

  • OP Providers / Physicians: NP, PA, MD, DO Listserv
  • Office Manager / Practice Administrator Listserv
  • OP Enterprise

Mission Statement

To advance knowledge by fostering a community that ignites positive conversation and collaboration.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Promote great content!
  2. Safe space to ask questions that are challenging you.
  3. Forum to share successful workflow implementations and other beneficial tools used to enhance practice productivity and profitability.
  4. Remember to post and vote for product ideas to the OP Ideas Portal so that our Product team can use your feedback to prioritize improvements and new features.
  5. If you are having OP system issues, please notify our Support team at support@officepracticum.com, so that we can triage them properly.
By using or accessing the Listserv groups, you signify your acknowledgment and assent to the Listserv Code of Conduct and Disclaimer. You further acknowledge that you remain solely responsible for the content of the messages you post. You may not use this e-mail list to engage in communications leading or related to an agreement in restraint of trade, to exchange specific information relating to prices, profits, or costs, to engage in any fraudulent conduct, or to further any other unlawful purpose.

Listserv How-Tos

How To: Join Our Listservs

Click the links below to apply for membership to the respective Listserv. 

In the Reason for Joining section, include Your Name, Job Title, and Practice Name so we are able to verify that you are a current OP user. 

Once you have clicked Apply for membership, our team will review and complete your request. This may take up to 24 hours.

How To: Choose a Subscription Preference

Your choices for subscription methods include:

  • ALL email: Many active subscribers find this the best method to follow threads which have multiple commenters and screenshots. However, on a busy day, it may feel overwhelming to have these emails interspersed with important business correspondence. Most users who choose the ALL email subscription, filter the listserv emails through their own, separate inbox folder in their email client.
  • Digest: This option gives you up to 25 full new messages in a single email. Many users tell us this is the most efficient, but is sometimes difficult to follow threads and see the screenshots that apply to each post. It can also be difficult when you respond to a digest for the other participants to understand exactly what you are referring to. If you are responding to a digest message, we recommend you consider sending fresh email and summarize what you are responding to.
  • Web participation only: This option allows you to access the google groups to search for information but no notification is proactively sent to you.

How To: Search the Archives

Located at the top of each Listserv, is a search bar where text can be entered to search for specific messages. If advanced search options are needed, simply click the drop-down arrow located in the right corner of the search bar to display those options. Whether searching in the search bar or in the advance search window, be sure to click .

How To: Unsubscribe

We are so sad to see you go! To unsubscribe from any group, send an email to:

Tips for Getting Help Fast on the Listserv

Good screenshots (NO PHI please)

  • For some tips on capturing clean screenshots, click here.

Ask specific questions

  • Instead of: “What revenue reports do you run?" Try this: “I am looking for a way to get to the totals for specific CPT codes in specific date ranges I would love to have total charges, payments and receipts for rendering provider per specific CPT code for a specified date range that I choose”
  • Instead of: “I need a report for demographics, what should I use?” Try this: “We need demographic and billing data of patients seen only when they were seen at one of our 3 locations during a specific time period. The data requirements include:  Location (ID), Patient number, First Name, Last Name, D.O.B., Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Date of service, Rendering Provider, Procedure code/s, Diagnosis code/s, Insurance”

Examples of Strategy questions

  • “I have to get 2000 families signed up for the portal by next month!”
  • “How can I get DIRECT addresses for all the specialists at Main Town Mecca?”
  • “What is the best way to run XYZ style report in OP?”

Examples of Workflow-related questions

  • “My state is asking for XYZ, how are others handling this in OP?”
  • “How are you documenting XYZ in your practice”

Identify Yourself

  • Please sign your emails with your full name, practice and location so that we can know who you are and how best to help you! (And if you use an alias email address, include your email in your signature in case anyone wants to contact you off list.)

Remember to contact OP Support at support@officepracticum.com for any software-related issues or concerns.