OP Mobile: Resend Email Verification and Unlock Account

Version 20.5

User Permission: The following permissions will be needed for a user to be recognized as a practice administrator within OP Mobile: 

  • MainMenu_Utilities_mi
  • Manage_Users_mi
  • AA_AccessSecurity_mi

Resend an Email Verification

Note: Your OP Mobile site (URL) is the only supported way to access OP Mobile at this time.

  1. After logging in, click Practice Settings in the left navigation panel. 
  2. Click the Staff Directory link. The users for the practice are displayed. 
  3. Use the search field to find the user that you need to send an email verification.
  4. Click the User Name
  5. Enter a unique email address for the user in the General section.
  6. Click the Resend Email Verification button. A pop-up message is displayed to confirm that the email was re-sent.

Note: The email verification link will expire after 5 days.

Unlock an OP Mobile Account

  1. After logging in, click Practice Settings in the left navigation panel. 
  2. Click the Staff Directory link. The users for the practice are displayed. 
  3. Use the search field to find the user that you need to unlock.
  4. Click the usernameselect the Unlocked radio button in the OP Web Account Status section.
  5. Click the Save button. A pop-up message is displayed to confirm that the changes were saved successfully.

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