OP Portal QRGs

The content in these articles is relevant to the OP Portal.


OP Portal: Registration QRG
This QRG provides steps on how to register a parent/guardian for the OP Portal.
OP Portal: Appointments QRG
This QRG provides steps on how to respond to an Appointment Request in your OP Portal, as well as updating Appointment Types in the OP Portal.
OP Portal: Rx Refill QRG
This QRG provides steps on how to respond to prescription refill requests from the OP Portal.
OP Portal: Medical Records QRG
This QRG provides information on how Medical Records flow from OP to the OP Portal, including visibility settings, surveys, prescriptions and more.
OP Portal: Custom Texts QRG
This QRG provides steps on how to update the Custom Texts (email, warnings, etc) in your OP Portal.
OP Portal: Message Routing QRG
This QRG will go over how messages are sent to your staff in OP, and how to add/remove the types of messages your individual staff members receive from the OP Portal.