OP Portal Setup, Customization and Administration

The content in these articles is relevant to the OP Portal.


Welcome Email/Registration (OP Portal)
This article details the contents of the welcome email and the tokenized link duration, as well as explaining the differences in the parent login based on the Login options chosen during configuration.
Notifications from the OP Portal
This article goes over how to change notifications from the OP Portal for staff, providers, and parent/guardians.
Customize Patient Home Page in the OP Portal
This article goes over how to customize your parent/guardian and admin homepages by using widgets in the OP Portal.
Messaging Configuration in OP Portal
This article will go over the message types, tags, message routing, and attachments in the OP Portal.
Appointment Request Customization in OP Portal
This article goes over configuration of Appointment Requests in the OP Portal.
Rx Refill Configuration in OP Portal
This article details the default configuration for prescription refill requests and provides information on how to adjust these settings.
Medical Records Configuration and Customization in OP Portal
This article explains the default configuration for importing and updating medical records and provides information on how to adjust these settings.
Update Custom Texts in the OP Portal
This article goes over how to update Custom Texts in the OP Portal, including the Welcome email, disclaimers, and warning texts.