OP Window Maps


A/R Aging Analysis
The A/R Aging Analysis reflects Patient and Insurance balances according to the appropriate A/R Aging columns; 30, 60, 90 and 120 days and over.
AAP/Local Content Library
The AAP/Local Content Library is the location for AAP articles in OP.
About - License Agreement
The License Agreement window displays information such as your OP Version and any versions of third party software. You can update your version of OP or reset the OP build number from this window.
Account Proof
The Account Proof window is a read-only window that displays the proof for the patient and insurance balance information. The proof gathers claim balances.
Add CDA Export
Version 20.16 About Add CDA Export Path: Admin tab > CDA Export button > New button Path: Practice Management tab > Demographic Analysis/Recall > Create Patient List > Export CDA button The Add CDA Export window is where us...
Add Tasks to a Patient's Checklist
The Add Tasks to a Patient’s Checklist window will adds tasks to the patient’s chart.
After a note has been finalized, open the finalized note and click the Addenda tab. An addendum can be created, edited, and viewed in the Addenda tab.
Adding and Editing Appointments
The Add / Edit Appointment window appears when double-clicking on the appointment slot. Create or modify an appointment in this window.
Adding and Editing Charges
The Add / Edit Charges window adds or edits charges to a claim. The window is split between three tabs (Basic Information, Other Items, and Institutional items).
Adding an Implantable Device
Version 14.19 About Add Implantable Device Path: Clinical, Practice Management or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Implantable Device > New button The Add Implantable Device window allows the search for Universal Device Identif...
Adding Payments and Adjustments
The Add Payments and Adjustment window posts payments or adjusts amounts on a patient account. Posting a patient payment includes direct payments for balances or applying credits.
Address Book
View a map of the Address Book window.
Address Book Specialty Descriptors
The Address Book Specialty Descriptors allow you to add or edit a specialty or category to the Descriptor dropdown in the Address Book.
A patient's allergies, including adverse reactions to a medication, can be entered in the Allergy/Reaction window. This information will be displayed in the Allergies/Reactions field.
Application/Interbase Status Information
The Application/Interbase Status window shows the status for database elements in OP. Information includes the name of the element, class, connections, transactions, etc.
Apply Template Dialog
When a template is selected in the All Templates dropdown list, the Apply Template Dialog box appears. The dialog box determines the sections that will be included from the template.
Appointment Types and Zones
The Appointment Types and Zones window creates templates that can be applied for scheduling and visit purposes. Each tab can be configured to correspond with the scheduling needs for each practice.
Archive Medical Records
Archiving Records makes records unalterable. It is one of several methods used to help Office Practicum users comply with HIPAA regulations and other security regulations.
Audit Logs
Viewing the Audit Logs as an Administrator allows you to see what changes were made (and by whom) from within Office Practicum.
Audit Trail
Version 14.19 About Audit Trail Path: Several (upon deletion of any element of patient information) The Audit Trail For window displays when a record is deleted from the database. It provides a drop-down menu to select the reason for deleti...
Backup Confirmation
Backup event logs are created by the program OP BACKUP. The logs are listed in the Backup Confirmation window.
Batch Billing Statements
In the Batch Billing Statements, you can set your statement parameters before printing the statements in bulk.
Billing Analysis
The Billing Analysis window creates a detailed financial report for your office based on set parameters. Each transaction has its own entry in the Analysis.
Billing Center: Adjudications
The Adjudications tab is only used if the practice has enrolled for Electronic Remittance Advice through their clearinghouse.
Billing Center: Claims + A/R
The Claims + A/R tab handles current, open, paid, and queued claims.
Billing Center: Current Credits
The Current Credits tab helps view all current credits entered into Office Practicum. You can reconcile these credits by the patient against your debit of monies applied for the day.
Billing Center: Current Receipts
The Electronic Billing Center, or eBilling Center, is the one-stop location in Office Practicum where claims are tracked.
Billing Center: ERA Payments
The ERA Payments tab shows all ERA Payments with archived transactions that were paid by the highlighted Check/Payment ID.
Billing Center: Overview
The Overview tab in the Electronic Billing Center provides insight on key financial performance indicators to assure claims and payments are flowing properly.
Billing Center: Statement Queue
The Statement Queue tab displays all patient statements that are ready to be sent. The statements can be sent individually or in bulk.
Billing Center: Superbills
The Electronic Billing Center, or eBilling Center, is the one-stop location in Office Practicum where claims are tracked. The Superbills tab displays entries in the Superbill table.
Billing Center: Transmit Queue
The Transmit Queue lists the claims that are ready to be sent to the clearinghouse. The claims can be sent from this tab.
Billing Groups
Billing Groups are created to group together sets of CPT or Diagnosis Codes, by range or list, to support the OP AWARE functionality.
Blocked and Substituted Codes
The Blocked and Substituted Codes window creates payer specific rules to block CPT codes and substitute with the payable alternative, automatically add modifiers to CPT codes, etc.
Bulk Cosign
Version 20.14 About Bulk Cosign Path: Main Navigation Panel > Encounters or Well Visits > Select more than 1 Note > Cosign button The Bulk Cosign window lists Visit Notes that will not be cosigned when the user is performing bulk c...
Bulk Finalization
Version 20.14 About Bulk Finalization Path: Main Navigation Panel > Encounters or Well Visits > Select more than 1 Note > Finalize button The Bulk Finalization window lists Visit Notes that will not be finalized when the user is pe...
Bulk Migration: Look Back Date
The Bulk Migration Tool: Look Back Date window is used to initiate the bulk migration process of all documents on or after the selected date that have an item type of FORMS for patients with an active InteliChart OP Patient Portal account.
Calendar Schedule
The Schedule and Practice Workflow combines a number of forms to help you get your work done faster and more efficiently. The calendar tab is used for scheduling and editing appointments.
Capitation Payments: Distributed to All Patients on Panel
The Capitation Payments: Distributed to all Patients window disperses a capitation payment among a list of patient accounts in the Patient grid that match the designated provider and insurer.
Capitation Payment: Single Entry (Not Distributed)
The Capitation Payments: Single Entry window applies a single payer capitation payment.
CDA Export
Version 20.16 About CDA Export Path: Admin tab > CDA Export button The CDA Export window is where users can create and view Recurring or One-time CDA Exports. Each line in the grid can be expanded to show the stage detail of the Export J...
Change Insurance on Individual Transactions
The Change Insurance on Individual Transactions window changes the primary (and optional secondary) insurance for selected transactions.
Change/Merge Carrier Codes
The Change/Merge Carrier Codes window changes the existing insurance carrier short code to a new insurance carrier short code or merges the existing short code with a different existing short code.
Change Template Location Confirmation
The Change Template Location confirmation window appears when template slots are created and a new location is selected in the location dropdown list of the Schedule Templates Editor.
Choose a Medical Record to Attach to a Consent Record
The Choose Medical Record to Attach to a Consent Record window links a consent form with a medical record.
Choose a Pharmacy
View a map of the Choose a Pharmacy window.
Choose Recipients
The Choose Recipients window sets the recipients in the staff directory who will receive the message being created in the Message window.
Choose Report Parameter(s)
The Choose Report Parameters window sets the parameters to report how many patients received a vaccine from the vaccine inventory.
Choose Type of Appointment
The Choose Type of Appointment window sets the type of visit in the Encounter Note Editor.
Choose a Vaccine Lot
The borrow/payback function within the Vaccine Inventory acts as an accounting tool to be able to switch the vaccine to the opposite stock (VFC or Private) which then opens Choose a Vaccine Lot.
ClearTriage is an online decision-support tool for pediatric telephone triage nurses in practices and clinics utilizing the Dr. Barton Schmitt protocols.
Clinical Work: Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic Test Management lists pending lab requisitions to review and complete. In addition, you can monitor diagnostic tests and perform follow up.
Clinical Work: Documents
The Documents tab displays documents that have been selected for review by a user. Selected documents in this window can be reviewed and edited in the Manage Documents window.
Clinical Work: Encounters
The Encounters tab displays the encounter notes for sick visits that are not finalized by a provider by a selected date.
Clinical Work: Referrals
The Referrals tab displays pending referrals. From this tab you can select a referral to review, edit, or print. Displayed referrals as displayed based upon the selections made in the Scope field.
Clinical Work: Surveys
The Surveys tab displays surveys that have been entered but not reviewed by the provider. The surveys that appear in this window should be marked as reviewed.
Clinical Work: Well Visits
The Well Visits tab displays the notes for well visits that are not finalized by a provider by a selected date.
Code Tables
The Code Table window views and edits various drop-down fields that appear within OP. The Code Table Purpose panel displays all the drop-down fields in OP.
Concierge Fee
Version 21.1 Path: Admin > Concierge Fee Overview The Concierge Fee screen allows you to bulk charge patients a service fee. You can choose to create superbills or claims for these patients and you can choose to charge each patient indiv...
Consent Record Types
The Consent Record Types window lists and modifies consent record types.
Consent/Directive Document
The Consent Directive Document window displays and modifies the scanned consent/directive document image. Documents can be signed in this window.
Contact Manager
The Contact Manager displays all of your practice's contacts in a window that is easy to navigate and sort. From here you can view all of your contacts.
Content Library Editor
The Content Library Editor adds or edits articles in the AAP/Local Content Library.
Contract Chooser
The Contract Chooser window associates a contract to the payer in the Insurance Payer Details window.
Contact Finder
Version 14.19 About Contact Finder Path: Clinical, Practice Management or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Family Contacts > Add button The Contact Finder displays all of the patient's contacts in a window that is easy to n...
Contracts for CPT
The Contracts for CPT window displays how the CPT code is paid by all existing contracts.
Copy Appointment
The Copy Appointment window copies an appointment in the Schedule and Practice Workflow and applies the appointment to a different set of dates.
Correct Patient Vaccine Record
The Correct Patient Vaccine Record window corrects a patient’s vaccine record when the vaccine they received came from the wrong inventory category.
The Correspondents window creates an e-correspondent for a payer so the payer can receive claims electronically.
CPT-4: Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology, Fourth Edition
View a map of the CPT-4: Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology, Fourth Edition window.
Create/Schedule Report
The Create/Schedule Report window is used to save commonly used Demographic Analysis/Recall reports.
Customize CDA
Version 14.19 About Customize CDA Path: Clinical tab > More button (in Reference Date group) > Customize CDA button The Customize CDA window is where users can customize the output of clinical data and the order in which that data is ...
Customize Patient Banner
Version 21.1 About Customize Patient Banner Path: Personalize tab > Patient Banner The Customize Patient Banner window is where each logged-in user can decide to enable the Patient Banner and choose the chart-driven information they want...
Customize Patient Care Plan
Version 20.13 About Manage Care Plans Path: Clinical, Practice Management or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Care Plans > Customize button Care Plans are in Office Practicum for a patient's health maintenance schedule. The...
Daysheet Log
The Daysheet Log shows when the Daysheet was run on a specific day. It displays the charges, payments, receipts for deposit, total receipts, adjustments, and location.
Demographic Analysis and Recall
The Demographic Analysis and Recall is a report you can use within Office Practicum to generate a list of patients according to specific criteria.
Department Management
Departments allow you to designate areas of your practice in which certain types of tasks are performed, such as Billing, Front Desk, Medicine, Nursing and Referrals.
Developmental Milestones
The Developmental Milestones window applies narrative or graphical milestones to a patient’s chart.
Developmental Milestones Choice List Map
The Developmental Milestones Choice List adds milestones to the Developmental Milestone list. When a new milestone is created, it is categorized in the Milestone Choice List by age.
Diagnosis Code Management
The Diagnosis Code Management window contains all the diagnosis codes for OP.
Diagnostic Code Editor
The Diagnostic Code Editor window allows users to edit the details of a diagnosis code. It contains three tabs where further customization can be applied.
Diagnostic Test Alerts
Version 14.19 About Diagnostic Test Alerts Path: Clinical tab > More button (Customize group) > Diagnostic Tests > Add Button or Edit Button on Selected Test > Basic Definition tab > Add button (in Alert Message section of wind...
Diagnostic Test Name Information
The Diagnostic Test Name Information window is used to link existing results to an existing test/lab, and add new in-house tests and results.
Diagnostic Test Requisition Form
The Diagnostic Test Requisition form orders in-house or outside tests or labs.
Diagnostic Test Result Answers
The Diagnostic Default Test Result Answers tab adds or edits the in-house diagnostic test result drop-down result alpha answers.
Diagnostic Tests that are on School Forms
OP has diagnostic test categories that will appear on School/Camp forms. OP school form reports search for tests identified by LOINC codes that are associated with each category.
Document Types and Categories
The Document Types and Categories window adds or modifies a unique image category name.
Duplicate Staff
Version 20.15 About Duplicate Staff Path: Practice Management tab > Staff/Providers button > Duplicate button The Duplicate Staff window gives Administrative users the ability to create new users in OP by copying an existing staff or ...
E-Prescriber Allergy Data: Map to Standard ICD9 Codes
The E-Prescriber Allergy Data: Map to Standard ICD-10 Codes window lists the Allergies and their corresponding Allergy ID based upon the search criteria.
Edit Address
The Edit Address window enters or alters contact information in the address book.
Edit Archived Claim Transactions
The Edit Archived Claim Transactions window corrects errors on a claim that has been logged onto the daysheet.
Edit a Checklist Task
In the Edit Checklist Task window you can change the department, alter a task description, or change the due date of the selected task.
Edit Drug Details
The Edit Drug Details window manages the medications listed in the Medication Finder. Medication can be edited in this location.
Edit Implantable Device
Version 14.19 About Edit Implantable Device Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Implantable Device > Edit button The Edit Implantable Device window allows users to modify the information for...
Edit Report
The Edit Report window is used to edit previously saved Demographic Analysis/Recall reports. This function is available from all tabs in the Demographic Analysis/Recall window.
Edit Vaccine
Version 20.13 About Edit Vaccine Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Encounters or Well Visits > New Note or Open Note button > Immunizations > Complete List tab > Edit Button Path...
eFax Usage Report
Version 20.16 About eFax Usage Report Path: Admin tab > eFax Usage button The eFax Usage Report is used at the Practice-level to gain insight into inbound and outbound eFax page consumption (usage), based on a Month/Year parameter. eFa...
Encounter Questions
The Encounter Questions window builds custom descriptions and questions to add to the Exam and to the Review of Systems. This will then allow you to add these global questions to templates.
Encounter Summary Sheet
The Encounter Summary Sheet allows you to review finalized encounter notes.
Encounter Template Editor
View maps of the two windows that make up the Encounter Templates Editor.
Enter Vaccine Administration Information
The Enter Vaccine Administration Information window records information such as vaccine lot number, time vaccinated, vaccinator, and counseling provider into the patients chart.
ePrescribing Center
View a map of the ePrescribing Center.
eRx Change Summary
View a map of the eRx Change Summary window.
eRx Renewal Request Summary
View a map of the eRx Renewal Request window.
eRx Summary
View a map of the eRx Summary window.
Family Address Change
The Family Address Change screen links family members who should receive the new address.
Financial Dashboards
Version 20.14 This is a contracted feature available to OP Cloud Practices. Contact your Client Account Manager for more information. About Financial Dashboards (Financial Analytics) Path: Tools tab > Financial Analytics butto...
Find Next Available Appointment Window
The Find Next Available Appointment window locates the next available block of appointments that correspond to the search criteria selected.
General Letter
The General Letter window is where you write a letter on behalf of a patient.
General Note
The General Note window allows Providers to enter any additional information about their patient. The Note may be a general note, a historical note, or a review of systems (ROS) note.
Growth Charts
The Growth Chart displays the patients growth arch based upon the Chart type, Age, Growth Chart Segment, and Source selected.
Health Summary
Version 20.16 About Health Summary Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Clincal Overview > Health Summary-Recommendations The Health Summary-Recommendations section of the patient's Cli...
HIPAA Code Tables
The HIPAA Code Tables window manages the codes used in eBilling, such as Provider ID type, Claims Adjustment Codes, and others.
History of Vaccination Data Sent to Immunization Registry
The History of Vaccination Data Sent to Immunization Registry window displays the list of vaccination data batches that were sent to the immunization registry.
HL7 Diagnostic Test Utilities: Diagnostic Test Lookup Data Tables
The HL7 Diagnostic Test Utilities allows you to enter all outside facilities where your practice frequently sends patients.
HL7 Error Log
Version 14.19 About HL7 Error Log Path: Admin tab > HL7 Error Log HL7 is an international standard for the transmission of medical data. The HL7 Error log provides a list of Error messages that occurred during the transmission of medical...
Identify Users Logged into OP
The Who is Where window displays who is logged into OP and allows you to force users out of OP, if necessary.
Immunization Order Management
The Immunization Order Management window indicates vaccine administration and controls vaccine stock.
Immunization Quick Entry Chart
The Immunization Quick Entry Chart provides vaccine documentation when it is necessary to update a vaccine administered outside the office, etc.
Immunization Records: Transmittal Queue
The Immunization Records: Transmittal Queue window displays information about the Vaccines given in your practice.
Immunization Registry Codes
The Immunization Registry Codes are codes issued and required by each state's Immunization Registry. Codes can be reviewed, added, modified, or deleted.
Implantable Devices Configuration
Version 14.19 About Implantable Devices Configuration Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Implantable Device > New button The Implantable Devices Configuration window notifies the user that ...
Inactive Implantable Device
Version 14.19 About Inactive Implantable Device Path: Clinical, Practice Management or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Implantable Device > Status > Inactive The Inactive Implantable Device window allows users to enter a re...
Insurance Carrier Provider Information
From time to time, your office may need to edit a provider pin or group number, as identified by a payer. This information is kept and updated in the Insurance Payer record.
Insurance Contracts
The insurance contracts window adds, edits, and copies insurance contracts based on CPT codes for selected payers.
Insurance Payer Details
The Insurance Payer Details window contains the insurance payer details such as basic information, claims/routings, and contracts.
Insurance Payers List
The Insurance Payer List window displays the list if insurance payers in OP. Payers can be added, edited, and removed using this window.
Insurance Validation
The Insurance Validation window performs a batch update insurance validation for scheduled patients. This will verify a patient’s insurance coverage.
Laboratories and Hospitals
The Laboratories and Hospitals window views, adds, deletes, or edits a laboratory or hospital where charges are generated and billed for patients.
The links window links to the CDC, National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus and other web sources.
Manage Care Plans
Care Plans are in Office Practicum for a patient's health maintenance schedule.
Manage Documents
The Manage Documents window contains the functions to review and manage documents that were input into OP 14.
Medical Decision Making Details
The Medical Decision Making Details window is read-only. It displays the breakdown that supports how each element of MDM was reached based on the documentation completed for the Encounter.
Medical Records
The Event Chronology is a compilation of a patient's complete medical records.
Medical Record Disclosure Tracking
The Medical Record Disclosure Tracking window has two purposes (for access to a patient's records).
Medication Finder
The Medication Finder locates medications and creates a medication favorites list.
Medication History
View a map of the Medication History window.
The Message window creates a new message in the Message Center.
Message Center
The Schedule and Practice Workflow combines a number of forms to help you get your work done faster and more efficiently. The Messages tab is your inbox.
Global Fee Schedule Edit
The Modify Fee Schedule window modifies a fee schedule based on another fee schedule. There are 20 fee schedules that can be associated with insurance carriers.
Monitor SQL
Version 14.19 About Monitor (SQL) Path: Admin tab > Monitor SQL The Monitor (SQL) window provides a real-time display of the SQL that is running during your session with the OP Software. It lists the date, time, and database event that i...
New Insurance Contract
The New Insurance Contract window creates a new insurance contract. Select the CPT Type and Effective Date to begin creating the new contract.
New Vaccine
Version 14.19 About New Vaccine Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Well Visits > New Note or Open Note button > Immunizations > Complete List tab > New Button Path: Clinical, Bill...
Office Practicum Quality Improvement Calculator (QIC)
The Office Practicum Medicaid Meaningful Use Visit Calculator allows OP practices to determine whether they meet the statutory thresholds to qualify for MU funding.
OP Database Exporter v1.0
The Database Exporter v1.0 downloads and exports data from datasets.
OP Database Viewer
The OP Database Viewer allows you to run, save, and export data within the database viewer to quickly provide all the OP 14 data necessary based on a query.
Billing Center: Overview - Billing Performance
The OP Insights Overview tab in the Billing Center provides you with at-a-glance insights on key financial performance indicators to assure your claims and payments are flowing properly.
The OP AWARE (Advanced Workflow Rules Engine) window is used to build billing rules based on specific criteria.
OP Reports
Reports make information stored in a database accessible, easy to read, and understand. Most of the reports available in Office Practicum are created and executed using OP Reports.
Order Details
The Order Details window displays the details for the panel/test that was ordered. The order details can be edited.
Order Template for Phone Messages
The Order Template for Phone Messages window creates a template that assigns message tasks to departments within the practice to create special instructions, followup, and other tasks.
Order Worksheet
The Order Worksheet assigns tasks to departments within the practice. Tasks can be associated to an encounter or well-visit template and automatically populate the Order Worksheet.
Override Change Reason
Version 14.19 About Override Change Reason Path: Billing tab > Billing Center button > ERA Payments tab > ERA Ellipses button > Override Out of Balance Indicator checkbox The Override Change Reason window is used to record the r...
Password Change Form
The Password Change Form is used by the logged-in user to change their password. If Strong Passwords are enabled, this window is also displayed when the user is nearing the day specified for their required password change.
Patient Chart: Account Summary
The Patient Account window maintains a patient’s account. The Overview tab provides an overview of the patient's account.
Patient Chart: Allergies/Rxns
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Allergies/Rxns tab opens up a list of all known allergies for the patient.
Patient Chart: Asthma Action Plans
Asthma Action Plans (also known as the Asthma Action Plan Wizard) are used to customize an asthma plan for a patient's symptoms and needs. The Asthma Plan lists the triggers, severity level, treatment plan, and other information regarding a patient's asthma condition.
Patient Chart: Care Plans
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Care Plans tab organizes and displays the patient's health maintenance schedule.
Patient Chart: Charges
The Patient Account window maintains a patient’s account. The Charges tab displays all posted and unposted charges and payments.
Patient Chart: Claims
Version 21.0 About Patient Chart: Claims Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Claims The Claims window displays a list of the patient's claims with open claims highlighted in red. You can cr...
Patient Chart: Clinical Contacts
The Coordination of Care tab keeps track of the specialists, providers, pharmacies etc. that take part in the care of a mutual patient.
Patient Chart: Consents and Directives
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Consent/Directive Document window lists and modifies the consent forms.
Patient Chart: Credits
The Patient Account window maintains a patient’s account. The Credits tab displays an ordered list of patient and payer credits.
Patient Chart: Demographics
View a map of the Demographics (Basic Information) section of the Patient Chart.
Patient Chart: Developmental Milestones
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Developmental Evaluation tab lists the documented developmental milestones.
Patient Chart: Diagnostic Tests
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's Medical record. The Diagnostic Tests tab is used to finish open lab requisitions, monitor diagnostic tests, ect...
Patient Chart: Disclosures
The Patient Account window maintains a patient’s account. The Disclosures tab displays the patient statements that were sent.
Patient Chart: Documents
Version 20.18 About Patient Chart: Documents Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Documents The Patient Chart: Documents window contains the functions to review and manage a patient's docume...
Patient Chart: Encounters
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Encounters tab lists the Patient Encounter Notes.
Patient Chart: Family Contacts
The Patient Register assigns each patient a unique patient ID number, and automatically creates a Patient Chart for the patient.
Patient Chart: General Notes
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The General Notes tab displays a list of notes, which you can use to enter any notes you need.
Patient Chart: History
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The History tab documents a patient’s history.
Patient Chart: Immunizations
The Immunizations tab displays the patient immunization record. Here you can print the immunization grid or the complete list of immunizations from a patient’s chart.
Patient Chart: Implantable Devices
This article explains the Implantable Devices screen.
Patient Chart: Insurance
View a map of the insurance record located in the Patient Chart.
Patient Chart: Medications
View a map of the Medications section within the Patient Chart.
Patient Chart: Messages
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Messages tab displays the messages sent to and from the patient.
Patient Chart: Miscellaneous Notes
The Patient Register automatically creates a Patient Chart for the patient. The Patient Misc/Notes tab allows you to add or edit visit notes to the patient register.
Patient Chart: Overview
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Overview tab provides high level patient information and notes.
Patient Chart: Payments
The Patient Account window maintains a patient’s account. The Payments tab displays an ordered list of payments received from the patient and payer.
Patient Chart: Privacy/Sharing
The Patient Register automatically creates a Patient Chart for the patient. The Privacy tab allows you to add privacy information and restrictions to the patient register.
Patient Chart: Problem List
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Problems List tab opens the Problem list to easily modify for viewing on the chart and note.
Patient Chart: Referrals/TOC (Transitions of Care)
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Referrals/Transitions tab opens the patient's Referral/Care Transition List.
Patient Chart: Risk Assessment
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. You can choose common risk factors for your patients in the Risk Assessment List.
Patient Chart: Statements
The Patient Account window maintains a patient’s account. The Statements tab displays a transaction list of all prior queued statements.
Patient Chart: Surveys
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Surveys tab documents and maintains a patient’s preventive exam surveys.
Patient Chart: Tasks
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Tasks tab open the Patient's Checklist within the Chart window.
Patient Chart: Vital Signs and Growth Measurements
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Vital Signs and Growth Measurements tab documents vital signs and measurements.
Patient Chart: Well Visits
The Patient Chart is the central point of access to all areas of a patient's complete Medical record. The Well Visits tab opens the pending and dual-format Preventive Exam notes or a New note.
Patient Directory
The Patient Directory stores and displays the information of each patient in your practice, including the date of birth, phone number(s), parents name, address and insurance numbers.
Patient Encounter: Allergy/Reaction
The Allergy/Rxn tab displays and documents both medication related and non-medication related allergies and vaccine reactions.
Patient Encounter: Assess/Plan
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The Assess/Plan tab codes the visit with diagnostic codes, and adds/modifies the plan and patient instructions for the encounter.
Patient Encounter: Care Plans
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The Care Plans tab lists, prints, and manages care plans for a patient’s health maintenance schedule.
Patient Encounter: CC/HPI/ROS
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The CC/HPI/ROS tab is where you enter the chief complaint, history of present illness, and review of systems.
Patient Encounter: Services and Procedure Coding
The Coding tab establishes the correct CPT codes for the encounter using the OP Coding Decision Support, or allows you to select your own office visit code and/or procedure codes.
Patient Encounter: Counseling/CoC
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The Counseling/Coordination of Care (CoC) tab displays any counseling and coordination of care notes.
Patient Encounter: Detail Exam
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The Detail Exam tab documents the findings of the encounter. You can add or modify information in this tab.
Patient Encounter: Diagnostic Test Management
The Diagnostic Tests tab is used to complete open lab requisitions, monitor diagnostic tests, etc. You can also ensure all open diagnostic tests are addressed in the Diagnostic Tests tab.
Patient Encounter: Documents
View a map of the Documents window located within a Patient Encounter Note.
Patient Encounter: Graphic
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The The Graphic tab allows images that can be drawn on or annotated to be imported to an encounter.
Patient Encounter: History
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The History tab documents a patient’s history.
Patient Encounter: Immunization Chart
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The encounter note encompasses both narrative and comprehensive formats. It also allows you to customize the layout of the note.
Patient Encounter: Implantable Devices
This article explains the implantable device screen for an encounter.
Patient Encounter: Medications
View a map of the Medications section of the Patient Encounter.
Patient Encounter: Narrative Exam
The Narrative Exam tab provides a narrative of the exam. Phrase Construction can be used to assist with the creation of the narrative.
Patient Encounter: Orders
Version 20.14 About Patient Encounter: Orders Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Encounters > New or Open Note button > Orders The Orders window includes the Order Worksheet, allowing yo...
Patient Encounter: Prior Notes
The Prior Notes tab lists the previous encounter notes and messages. Selected notes from the list can be viewed and applied to the current encounter.
Patient Encounter: Problem List
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The encounter note encompasses both narrative and comprehensive formats.
Patient Encounter: Risk Assessment
Within the Risk Assessment List, you can choose common risk factors and use them in the care plans for your patients.
Patient Encounter: Summary
The Encounter Summary Sheet allows you to review finalized encounter notes. The notes appears with all the details entered in the previous Encounter tabs.
Patient Encounter: Surveys
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The Surveys tab documents surveys during the encounter.
Patient Encounter: Templates (Complete List)
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The Templates tab lists the templates that are created, edited, and reviewed in the Encounter Templates Editor.
Patient Encounter: Visit Info
The Visit Info tab displays the details of the visit such as time, date, place, type, nurse, provider, supervised, patient location, and length of visit.
Patient Encounter: Vital Signs and Growth Measurements
The Patient Encounter helps to code and complete an encounter visit. The Vital Signs tab documents the Primary and Secondary Vital Signs for the patient as well as the Growth Measurements.
Patient's Credit Account
The Patient's Credit account window enters both patient and insurance credits into the patient account.
Patient Medical Reports Manager
A variety of medical record reports can be printed from the Patient Medical Reports Manager in OP.
Patient Message eXchange
The Patient Message eXchange is a feature that allows you to contact groups of patients, with customized bulk messages, through a variety of communication channels.
Patient Register Information Report
The Patient Register Information Report prints the patient’s demographics from within the patient registration.
Patient Rescheduling List
About Patient Rescheduling List Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Schedule button > Click on Find Move-up button The Patient Rescheduling List compiles a report of all patients that have an appointment scheduled on ...
Patient Tracking Summary
Version 20.0 About Patient Tracking Summary Path: Clinical tab, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Schedule button > Tracking radio button The Patient Tracking Summary is accessed by navigating to the Tracking Schedule using the pa...
Phrase Construction
Phrase Construction assists with the creation of notes and other text-based descriptions.
Place of Service
The Place of Service window allows you to create and edit your Place of Service codes for use in Billing.
Postal Zip Codes
Within Office Practicum, there is an extensive list of US Postal Zip Codes, including Puerto Rico. An office has the ability to edit, add, or delete zip codes to make the list suitable for them.
Practices and Locations
To enhance the functionality of the Locations window, Office Practicum replaces the Locations selection in the Manage Practices drop-down menu with the Practices/Locations menu selection.
Prescriber Authorization
View a map of the Prescriber Authorization window.
Prescription Writer
View a map of the Prescription Writer window.
Problem List
The Problem List creates or edits problems for the patient’s past medical history. Visibility for this note can be set in the Problem List window.
Process the Daysheet
When you run or process a daysheet, you convert the current patient transactions (claims and payments) to archived the patient transactions.
RCM Performance
Version 14.19 About RCM Performance Path: Billing tab > RCM button (Reports group) > RCM Performance This window is not fully implemented at this time. The RCM Performance window provides a rolling summary report for billing items....
Read IM
The Instant Messenger allows staff to communicate with each other throughout the day.
Referral/Care Transition Details
The Referral/Care Transition details window writes a referral to a specialist, responds to a referral, creates a correspondence, and inputs a tracking entry for care transition.
Refuse/Defer Vaccine
Version 20.17 About Refuse/Defer Vaccine Path: Clinical, Billing, or Practice Management tab > Patient Chart button > Encounters or Well Visits > New Note or Open Note button > Plan/Orders > Immunizations > Ref or Def Radio ...
Report Criteria
The Report Criteria window generates reports based on saved sets of criteria, such as date range of the visit/event, visibility level of reports, providers with involvement in the note, etc.
Report Printing Configurations
The Report Printing Configurations screen allows you to change the default printing options for the various forms that OP can produce.
Repository for Practice Administration Documents
A copy of each daysheet is automatically stored in your Administrative Documents, and can be retrieved at any time in the future from the Repository for Practice Administration Documents.
Requisition Details
The Requisition Details window contains all the details for the diagnostic test requisition.
Result Details
The Result Details window provides the result details for the selected order on the Diagnostic Test tab of the Patient Chart. Result details can be modified.
Risk Assessments Editor
The Risk Assessments Editor reviews, edits, and creates Risk Assessment questions and responses.
Schedule Properties for Highlighted Calendar
The Schedule Properties for the Highlighted Calendar window determines how the Schedule and Practice Workflow Calendar is viewed in the selected calendar tab (My View, Office View, etc).
Schedule Report Options
The Schedule Report Options window establishes the print settings for a report of the appointments that are currently displayed.
Schedule Templates Editor
The Schedule Templates editor window creates the schedule templates. In the Schedule Templates Editor you can create a new template, apply multiple templates & multiple locations, etc.
Search for Appointments
The Search for Appointments window locates appointments for a specific patient or date.
Search for Documents
The Search for Scanned Items window searches for scanned records.
Security Settings
The Security Settings window assigns specific permissions or program privileges to an individual staff member or group.
Send IM
The Send IM window sends an instant message.
Setup Twain Devices
The Setup Twain Devices window associates a twain device to a device button when setting up a device for use in Office Practicum.
Staff Directory
In the Staff Directory you can enter basic login information about the staff member, set the staff member’s security access, determine the staff members data visibility, etc.
Standard Reports
The Standard Reports window helps users view (with six simple dropdown reports) a quick summary of the office’s productivity. These reports display information that has been daysheeted.
Superbill: Pending Charges for Procedures
The Superbill is a billing stage that enables you to enter some information directly while you're waiting for more. Such direct entries are "pending" until more insurance information is added.
Survey Forms Explorer
The Survey Forms Explorer allows you to open and enter answers for surveys (questionnaires) from the patient chart, Encounters and Well Visits.
Synchronize Immunization Records
The Synchronize Immunization Records window provides the results of the communication between OP and the state immunization registry.
System Preferences
The System Preferences window contains tabs where preferences can be made for all users on the network.
The selection of the Tasks button on the ribbon permits you to set filters to view patients that meet the criteria.
Tracking Schedule
The Schedule and Practice Workflow combines a number of forms to help you get your work done faster. Patient Tracking Stages allow everyone to see what stage the patient is on during the visit.
Transactions Paid by the Specified ERA Payment ID
Version 14.19 About Transactions Paid by the Specified ERA Payment ID Path: Billing tab > Billing Center button > ERA Payments tab > ERA Ellipses button  The Transactions Paid by the Specified ERA Payment ID window contains th...
Update Insurance Contract
The Update Insurance Contract window manages your Insurance Contracts. It also displays the difference between the contract amount and the ERA amount.
Vaccine: Body Sites / Admin Routes / VIS Sheets
View a map of the Body Sites / Admin Routes / VIS Sheets window.
Vaccine Code Table Details
The Vaccine Code Table Details window edits the details for a vaccine code in the Vaccine Code table. You can enter your new changes or utilize the dropdown arrow.
Vaccine Codes
You can customize vaccine information within the vaccine code table in OP to make vaccine management and documentation more streamlined.
Vaccine Inventory
The Vaccine Inventory window maintains the vaccines in your inventory. Vaccines are logged with a Lot Number and can be borrowed or paid back from this location.
Vaccine Inventory Forecast
The Vaccine Inventory Forecast report displays the available vaccines and provides an estimates stock count based upon if the vaccine will be administered.
Vaccine Inventory Item Detail
The Vaccine Inventory Item Detail window adds or maintains the vaccine details in the vaccine lots.
Vaccine Tracking
The Vaccine Tracking window configures and determines the vaccine report to print.
Validate Surveys
In Validate Surveys, you can perform validation on CHADIS survey tasks to ensure the tasks within a template are linked correctly by name.
VFC Immunization Analysis
The VFC Immunization Analysis Report will give the practice the number of vaccines administered according to the patient's VFC status.
Vital Sign Table
View a map of the Vital Sign Table window.
Well Visit: Anticipatory Guidance/Counseling
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The AG/Counseling tab displays any counseling and anticipatory guidance notes.
Well Visit: Allergies
The Allergy/Rxn tab displays and documents both medication related and non-medication related allergies and vaccine reactions.
Well Visit: Assessment
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient's well-visit exam. The Assess/Plan tab codes the visit with diagnosis codes, adds/modifies the plan and patient instructions for the encounter, etc..
Well Visit: Care Plans
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Care Plans tab lists, prints, and manages care plans for a patient’s health maintenance schedule.
Well Visit: Coding
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Coding tab establishes the correct CPT codes for the well visit using the OP Coding Decision Support.
Well Visit: Detail Exam
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Detailed Exam tab documents the findings of the preventive exam.
Well Visit: Development
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Development tab lists documented developmental milestones.
Well Visit: Diagnostic Tests
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The diagnostic tests tab displays, adds, and modifies the diagnostic tests for the preventive exam.
Well Visit: Documents
View a map of the Documents window within a patient's Well Visit Note.
Well Visit: Graphic
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The The Graphic tab allows images that can be drawn on or annotated to be imported to an encounter.
Well Visit: History
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The history tab documents a patient’s past medical history, family history, social history, and perinatal history.
Well Visit: Immunizations
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The immunizations tab accesses the patient’s immunization chart.
Well Visit: Implantable Devices
Version 14.19 About Well Visit: Implantable Devices  Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Well Visits > New or Open Note button > Implantable Devices The Implantable Devices window di...
Well Visit: Interval History
The Interval Hx tab documents the patient’s interval history and review of systems. You can use the Phrase Construction map if needed.
Well Visit: Medications
View a map of the Medications section of the Well Visit.
Well Visit: Plan/Orders
Version 20.14 About Well Visit: Plan/Orders Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Well Visits > New or Open Note button > Plan/Orders The Plan/Orders window in a Well Visit adds/modifies th...
Well Visit: Prior Well Visits
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Prior Well Visits tab lists the previous well visit notes.
Well Visit: Problem List
The Problem list sets the PMFS History/Meds reviewed within the assessment on the exit note. It creates a problem list, shows scanned items, and adds/edits chart well visit note worksheets.
Well Visit: Risk Assessment
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Risk Assessment tab displays the risk assessment list.
Well Visit: School Exam
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The School Exam tab documents the patient’s visit results for school.
Well Visit: Summary
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Encounter Summary Sheet allows you to review finalized well visit notes.
Well Visit: Surveys
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Surveys tab documents surveys during the well visit.
Well Visit: Templates (Complete List)
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Templates tab lists the templates that are created, edited, and reviewed in the Well Visit Template Editor.
Well Visit: Visit Information
The Visit Info tab displays the details of the visit such as time, date, place, type, nurse, provider, supervised, patient location, and length of visit.
Well Visit: Vital Signs and Growth Measurements
The Preventive Exam window charts a patient well-visit exam. The Vital Signs tab documents the Primary and Secondary Vital Signs for the patient as well as the Growth Measurements.
Well Visit Template Editor
The Well Visit Template Editor can create, remove, edit, import, and export Well Visit Templates.
Workgroup Administration
The Workgroup Administration window adds and edits workstations into the OP workgroup.
Immunization Full List
Version 20.15 About Immunization Complete List Path: Clinical, Practice Management, or Billing tab > Patient Chart button > Immunizations > Complete List button The Complete List button on the Patient’...