Version 14.8
opsetup.ini File Settings
OPHL7Service.exe is controlled by the [OPHL7Service] section in the opsetup.ini file. This file is read when OPHL7Service starts up. If you make any changes to this file, you need close and reopen the application. An example [OPHL7Service] section follows. The following should be set up for all interfaces.
This section may contain the following values
- InboundDirectory - the directory where the PM places HL7 files for patient and schedule information. OPHL7Service processes files found in this directory.
- ArchiveDirectory - the directory where OPHL7Service places files from the InboundDirectory after the files have been processed.
- ErrorDirectory - the directory where OPHL7Service places files that raised an exception during processing
- OutboundDirectory - the directory where OPHL7Service places files to be processed by the PM. These files include charges created in OP.
- PollSeconds - indicates the number of seconds OPHL7Service waits after processing a set of files and looking for new files to process.
- NotifyID - The Office Practicum Staff ID # to be notified if an error occurs in the OPHL7Service interface. These messages will appear in the Message Center.
- SenderID - The Office Practicum Staff ID # of the user assigned to the Sender of any messages sent to the NotifyID.
- SuperbillArchiveDays - The number of days to keep charges in Office Practicum. Charges are sent to the PM in real time and then deleted periodically. This can be set to a smaller number (e.g. 21) once the practice is comfortable with the charges that are being sent to the PM system.
- DelayStartSeconds - The number of seconds the application waits, after it starts, before connecting to the database. This is useful when a computer reboots, to give the database time to start up. You can initially set this to 5 to test that all is working. But then set to something like 180 (3 minutes) when run in production.
- VFCCodePrefix - (v2009.3.1.0 and later) A string to preface CPT codes that are VFC eligible. So a 9061 would be sent at VFC9061. Note that the PM system needs to be able to interpret this prefix.
- SendVFCAdminCharges - (v2009.3.1.0 and later) Indicates whether or not to send CPTs for VFC Admin charges.
- DefaultDocID - (v2009.5.29.0 and later) Indicates OP provider ID to assign to a newly imported patient if the patient has no doctor assigned. This is useful for practices with a single provider. If practice has multiple providers, leave, or comment, this line out.
- ResetDefaultDoc (v2010.2.5.5 and later) - Set to 0 to maintain patient default provider in Office Practicum. Otherwise Practice Management system maintains this value, overwriting OP.
- ResetPatientVfc (v2010.2.5.5 and later) - Set to 0 to maintain patient VFC value in Office Practicum. Otherwise Practice Management system maintains this value, overwriting OP.
As of v2010.2.5.1 the following ini values are available and should be set as indicated below for each type of system
- UseIDTable - (v2010.2.5.1 and later) Set to 1 to map ID's on the other system to OP ID's. Originally OP ID's were set to the destination ID's. This new mapping allows users to add items in the OP areas (register, schedule, etc.) without conflicting with the other system. This should be set to 1 for all systems.
- PID3EqualOPID - (v2010.2.5.1 and later) Set to 0, which assumes the other system does not know what the OP ID's are.
- S15DeletesAppointment - (v2010.2.5.1 and later) Set to zero to cancel an appointment (instead of deleting it) on an S15.
- ReceivingApplication - (v2010.2.5.1 and later) Set to the name of the PM system. This value is also used when mapping doctors in the Lab Links section of Office Practicum.
- UseLocation - (v2010.2.5.5 and later) Set to 1 to use location information sent to OP.
- UseVfcField - (v2010.2.5.5 and later) Set to 1 to use VFC eligibility information that is sent to OP.
- CancelMovesToNA - (v2010.2.5.6 and later) Set to 1 to move cancelled appointments to the Not Assigned column.
- RunDaily - (v2010.2.5.6 and later) Set to 1 to output charge messages only once a day, rather than as soon as they are entered. Use the DailyRunTime setting to specify the time of day that charges should be sent.
- DailyRunTime - (v2010.2.5.6 and later) Set to the time of day that charge messages should be sent. This value is defined as the number of minutes past midnight. For example, a value of 60 will output charges at 1AM daily. The default value is 0. This setting is ignored if RunDaily is not set to 1.
- A08ContainsSchedule - (v2010.2.5.6 and later) Set to 1 if A08 (update patient information) messages can also contain schedule information.
- OutputExtra - (v2010.2.5.9 and later) Set to 1 to include extra fields in P03 (charge) messages
PCC UseIDTable=1
Athena ; setting to zero creates a cancel instead
Centricity WriteDocName=1
DUXWARE S15DeletesAppointment=0