Patient Chart Badges

Version 20.0


Badges in the Patient Chart represent the number of outstanding items related to an individual patient. To see this Group in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_Chart permissionThey are calculated based on the logic below. In general, badges update every two minutes. If an updated badge count is needed before the automatic refresh occurs, the user can right-click in the Navigation Panel and click Refresh Badges.

Note: The badges in the Patient Chart are not visible once an Encounter or Well Visit note is opened for the patient. The badges are then displayed in the note itself. This is especially important to note considering the ability to use the tabbed interface display. If you are not seeing badges that were recently displayed in the chart, ensure a note for the patient is not open.


Any open or unfinalized Encounters for the patient within the last 5 years, regardless of who conducted the visit, will be red. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_Peds_PE_btn permission.

Well Visits

Any open or unfinalized Well Visit note for the patient within the last 5 years, regardless of tho conducted the visit, will be red. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_Peds_PEx_btn permission.

Care Plans

Any care plan items (for all care plans in which the patient is enrolled) that are due and not yet satisfied based on work completed in the office. The count will be red and reflect how many items are in green/due status on the care plans themselves. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the Care_Plan_Patient_View permission.


A red badge represents all vital signs that are abnormal. The diastolic BP and systolic BP each count separately. BP will also count as 2 abnormal if there is no current height upon which to compute whether the value is normal or abnormal. Growth measurements are counted if they are “off the chart” and cannot be plotted inside the graphing lines for any given growth chart which was used as the reference when computing the percentile. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_VitalSigns permission.

Diagnostic Tests

Any pending Diagnostic Tests, with a look-back period of 5 years, for the patient that are in a “non-final state” including: Awaiting test action, Order to be placed, Pending, Received, Reviewed, Partial Received, Partial Informed. This is represented with a red badge. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_DiagnosticTests permission.


Any pending referrals for the patient, with a look-back period of 5 years, written in the last 180 days, whose flag date is past due or whose flag date was not set. This is represented with a red badge. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_Referrals permission.


There is no count for Immunizations, but rather a visual indicator of immunization status. A red asterisk or badge indicates that the patient is behind for a vaccine based on ACIP logic. If at least one antigen is due today, the word DUE is displayed. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_Peds_Imm_grid permission.


A red badge represents any survey conducted in the last 5 years that has not been marked reviewed, informed, or completed. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the F8_Surveys_btn permission.


A red badge indicates i ncomplete tasks for the patient assigned to departments the logged in user is a part of. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the Tasks_View permission.


The number of unposted charges for the patient with a look-back period of 5 years. This is represented with a red badge. To see this item in the Patient Chart, you need to have the Billing_View_Charges permission.