Phrase Construction Label

Version 14.19
Path: Clinical tab > Phrases

Once Pages have been created in Notebooks, you can begin to add Labels. Labels are the phrases that can be easily added to documentation in OP. Labels can be added, edited, or deleted. Before getting started, ensure the Phrase Construction toolbar is displayed at the top of the window. If the toolbar is blank, click the Toolbars drop-down menu and select Phrase Construction Properties.

Creating a New Label 

  1. Navigate to the Phrase Construction window following the path above.
  2. Select the Notebook and Page to which you will add a Label.
  3. Click the Create Label button. The Edit Phrase window is displayed allowing a phrase of up to 1000 characters.

  1. Enter the Text of the new phrase. For readability, it is suggested to add a space following the end of the text so phrases will not run together when multiple phrases are selected.
  2. Click the OK button.
  3. Repeat these steps to create multiple Labels for a Page. 

Editing a Label

  1. Navigate to the Phrase Construction window following the path above.
  2. Select the Notebook and Page that contains the Label that will be edited.
  3. Right-click on the Label that will be edited, and select Edit Label. The Edit Phrase window is displayed.
  4. Edit the phrase.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Repeat these steps to edit multiple Labels in a Page.

Deleting a Label (Phrase)

  1. Navigate to the Phrase Construction window following the path above.
  2. Select the Notebook and Page that contains the Label that will be deleted.
  3. Right-click on the Label that will be deleted, and select Delete Label. The Label is deleted.
  4. Repeat these steps to delete multiple Labels in a Page. 

Tip: The load speed of the phrase constructor directly correlates to the number of pages and phrases. We recommend that you discard any phrases/labels that aren't used frequently in order to optimize speed.

Version 14.10
Utilities > Manage Clinical Features > Phrase Construction

You will be instructed on how to add phrases commonly used by your practice that are not included in the Phrase Construction area of Office Practicum.  In addition, you will be shown how to edit phrases to correspond to the language of the practice and delete phrases the practice chooses not to use.

If you do not see the Phrase Construction Toolbar, click the Toolbars drop-down menu in the upper-left corner and select Phrase Construction Properties.

Creating a New Label 

  1. Click the Notebook and Page.

  1. Click the New Label button.
  2. Enter the Text of the new phrase.  


  1. Click the OK button.

For readability, add a space following the end of the text so phrases will not run together when selecting multiples phrases.
  1. Repeat these steps to create multiple labels in a page. 

Editing a Label

  1. Click the Notebook and Page.

  1. Right-click on the Label
  2. Select Edit label. The Edit Phrase window is displayed.

  1. Edit the Text in the Edit Phrase window.

  1. Click the OK button.
  2. Repeat these steps to edit multiple labels in a page.

Deleting a Label (Phrase)

Tip: The load speed of the phrase constructor directly correlates to the number of pages and phrases. We recommend that you discard any phrases/labels that aren't used frequently in order to optimize speed.

  1. Click the Notebook and Page.

  1. Right-click on the Label
  2. Select Delete label.

  1. Repeat these steps to delete multiple labels in a page. 

Changing the Position of Labels in a Page

  1. Click the Properties button .
  2. Select the Notebook. The Pages and Labels are displayed.

  1. Highlight a Label and click the Up button to move a label up.
  2. Highlight a Label and click the Down button to move a label down.
  3. Click the Close button.